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orion981 (

Name: orion981
Rank: 50 (8 fallen)
Alliance: #IT
Villages: 28 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 21,539 (+637)
Registered since: 01/04/24
Playtime: 56 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 30)
Log: (Entries: 30)
01/04/24Village (-2|43) settled.
01/04/24Village (-1|41) settled.
01/04/24Village (0|41) settled.
01/04/24Village (4|36) settled.
04/04/24(-5|44) conquered by soltan.
06/04/24(-4|45) conquered by Smokin&R3D (İSTKR).
08/04/24(5|43) conquered by Natars.
10/04/24(12|41) conquered by Toledo.
13/04/24(-10|41) conquered by sancar (İST-İ).
15/04/24(-11|40) conquered by bazarov (İSTKR).
17/04/24(-8|55) conquered by Sipahi (TÜRK).
18/04/24(-8|43) conquered by soltan.
20/04/24(-7|45) conquered by Stoper.
21/04/24(13|39) conquered by Walther.
21/04/24(-8|55) destroyed.
23/04/24(-5|59) conquered by Leydim (İSTMT).
25/04/24(-12|43) conquered by Acar (İSTSS).
25/04/24(-13|42) conquered by ORHAN_GAZI (İST-İ).
27/04/24(-11|45) conquered by Erdo (İST-İ).
02/05/24(-13|46) conquered by Erdo (İST-İ).
03/05/24(-11|46) conquered by Erdo (İST-İ).
07/05/24(13|45) conquered by DeeCee.
07/05/24(16|46) conquered by DeeCee.
07/05/24(14|46) conquered by DeeCee.
11/05/24(-11|35) conquered by Mehm3t61. (İSTKR).
13/05/24(-17|54) conquered by Ataberksk (İSTSS).
16/05/24(-17|49) conquered by Bompass (İST-İ).
17/05/24(-15|50) conquered by Burcagozy (İSTMT).
19/05/24(-17|50) conquered by Burcagozy (İSTMT).
21/05/24(-15|56) conquered by Reis (İSTMT).
Alliance history:
.IT  01/04/24 till 15/05/24  (45 Days)
#IT  since 16/05/24  (12 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (23 entries)
orion981on Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
orion981on ( (deleted)
orion981on Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
orion981on ( (Villages: 25)
orion981on ( (2024) (deleted)
orion981on ( (2023) (Villages: 14)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -2|43 ) 011170(settledMon 01/04/24
( -5|44 )041040(+13)(G.v. soltanThu 04/04/24
( -4|45 )05972(+10)(G.v. Smokin&R3DSat 06/04/24
( -10|41 )08967(+13)(G.v. sancarSat 13/04/24
( 0|41 )03966(+8)(settledMon 01/04/24
( 5|43 )06959(+13)(G.v. NatarsMon 08/04/24
( -1|41 )02957(+10)(settledMon 01/04/24
( 12|41 )07954(+14)(G.v. ToledoWed 10/04/24
( -5|59 )14940(+12)(G.v. LeydimTue 23/04/24
( -8|43 )11938(+12)(G.v. soltanThu 18/04/24
( 4|36 ).it884(+11)(settledMon 01/04/24
( -7|45 )12831(+15)(G.v. StoperSat 20/04/24
( 13|39 )13829(+14)(G.v. WaltherSun 21/04/24
( -11|40 )09827(+11)(G.v. bazarovMon 15/04/24
( -17|54 )24819(+9)(G.v. AtaberkskMon 13/05/24
( -11|35 )23816(+19)(G.v. Mehm3t61.Sat 11/05/24
( 16|46 )20795(+14)(G.v. DeeCeeTue 07/05/24
( -17|50 )27731(+12)(G.v. BurcagozySun 19/05/24
( -15|56 )99730(-76)(G.v. ReisTue 21/05/24
( -11|45 )17707(+12)(G.v. ErdoSat 27/04/24
( -15|50 )26600(+20)(G.v. BurcagozyFri 17/05/24
( -11|46 )19580(+12)(G.v. ErdoFri 03/05/24
( 13|45 )21505(+13)(G.v. DeeCeeTue 07/05/24
( 14|46 )22468(+21)(G.v. DeeCeeTue 07/05/24
( -12|43 )15449(+16)(G.v. AcarThu 25/04/24
( -13|42 )16427(+15)(G.v. ORHAN_GAZIThu 25/04/24
( -13|46 )18424(+13)(G.v. ErdoThu 02/05/24
( -17|49 )25254(-425)(G.v. BompassThu 16/05/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -8|55 )10607 (destroyed Sun 21/04/24

Player statistics