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Snekh (

Name: Snekh
Rank: 145 (17 fallen)
Kingdom: Gondor
Role: King
Treasures: 77,741
Villages: 10 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 7,957 (+650)
Registered since: 13/09/22
Playtime: 55 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
13/09/22Village (0|19) settled.
15/09/22Village (-2|32) settled.
21/09/22Village (-2|31) settled.
26/09/22Village (-2|33) settled.
02/10/22Village (-20|48) settled.
10/10/22Village (-5|33) settled.
20/10/22Village (-29|46) settled.
24/10/22Village (-24|54) settled.
05/11/22(-24|48) conquered by Gorilli.
05/11/22(-24|49) conquered by Gorilli.
Alliance history:
Gondor  since 13/09/22  (56 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (7 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -20|48 ) 04.La Comarca1643(+88)(settledSun 02/10/22
( 0|19 ) 00.Osgiliath1591(-77)(settledTue 13/09/22
( -2|32 ) 01.Minas Tirith1239(settledThu 15/09/22
( -5|33 ) 05.Rivendel1104(+18)(settledMon 10/10/22
( -2|33 )03.Moria616(settledMon 26/09/22
( -2|31 )02.Rohan592(-41)(settledWed 21/09/22
( -29|46 )06.Hobittown447(+103)(settledThu 20/10/22
( -24|49 )08.El abismo de Helm325(+11)(G.v. GorilliSat 05/11/22
( -24|54 )07.Lothlórien240(+74)(settledMon 24/10/22
( -24|48 )09.Erebor160(-2)(G.v. GorilliSat 05/11/22

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