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Nocturne (

Name: Nocturne
Rank: 166 (11 fallen)
Kingdom: Adsgar
Villages: 11 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 8,322 (+227)
Registered since: 02/09/19
Playtime: 138 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 13)
Log: (Entries: 13)
02/09/19(16|-31) conquered by as221.
03/09/19 (16|-31) conquered by Tobulus.
03/09/19Village (26|-43) settled.
06/09/19Village (28|-49) settled.
17/09/19Village (29|-53) settled.
28/09/19Village (30|-50) settled.
09/10/19(30|-41) conquered by MORFEL.
26/10/19(25|-43) conquered by Majestix.
08/12/19(35|-33) conquered by Barbie (ayyldz1).
26/12/19(41|-41) conquered by TheKing.
29/12/19(14|-32) conquered by BAAN.
05/01/20Village (15|-42) settled.
17/01/20Village (30|-44) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  02/09/19 
Adsgar  since 03/09/19  (138 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (11 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 26|-43 ) 2 Hedera helix1571(settledTue 03/09/19
( 25|-43 ) 1 Arum maculatum1324(G.v. MajestixSat 26/10/19
( 30|-41 ) 4 Pteridium aquilin1280(+13)(G.v. MORFELWed 09/10/19
( 29|-53 )7 Datura stramonium745(settledTue 17/09/19
( 28|-49 )5 Conium maculatum732(+4)(settledFri 06/09/19
( 30|-50 )6 Aquilegia vulgaris731(+9)(settledSat 28/09/19
( 35|-33 )8 Helleborus niger615(G.v. BarbieSun 08/12/19
( 14|-32 )9 Lactuca virosa567(+57)(G.v. BAANSun 29/12/19
( 41|-41 )3 Digitalis lanata544(+35)(G.v. TheKingThu 26/12/19
( 15|-42 )10 Mandragora146(+42)(settledSun 05/01/20
( 30|-44 )11 Anagallis arvensi67(+67)(settledFri 17/01/20

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 16|-31 )Hedera helix91(c.t. Tobulus Tue 03/09/19

Player statistics