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Ganajtúró (

Name: Ganajtúró
Rank: 107 (48 fallen)
Kingdom: Vikings!
Villages: 8
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 9,396 (+109)
Registered since: 03/03/20
Playtime: 56 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 8)
Log: (Entries: 8)
03/03/20Village (11|-10) settled.
05/03/20Village (10|-10) settled.
13/03/20Village (14|-14) settled.
19/03/20(10|-8) conquered by rgwertwert.
25/03/20Village (11|-11) settled.
01/04/20Village (10|-14) settled.
10/04/20(14|-12) conquered by Kiwory (TEAM).
14/04/20(9|-10) conquered by Brave Heart (Warriors).
Alliance history:
Degec  03/03/20 till 07/03/20  (5 Days)
(No alliances)  08/03/20 
Shogo  09/03/20 till 13/03/20  (5 Days)
(No alliances)  14/03/20 
Deg-TEAM  15/03/20 
123-TEAM  16/03/20 till 05/04/20  (21 Days)
Vikings!  since 06/04/20  (23 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Ganajtúróon COM1 ( (2016) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 11|-10 ) 01. Trollala1646(+13)(settledTue 03/03/20
( 10|-10 ) 02. Aprajafalva1571(+15)(settledThu 05/03/20
( 14|-14 ) 03. Bikinifenék1488(+14)(settledFri 13/03/20
( 10|-8 ) 04. Mocsár1463(+4)(G.v. rgwertwertThu 19/03/20
( 11|-11 ) 05. Makikaland1315(+15)(settledWed 25/03/20
( 10|-14 ) 06. B==Đegec1195(+19)(settledWed 01/04/20
( 14|-12 )07. Rozsdás Rákolló401(+21)(G.v. KiworyFri 10/04/20
( 9|-10 )Szívek szállodája317(+8)(G.v. Brave HeartTue 14/04/20

Player statistics