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Akreppp (

Name: Akreppp
Rank: 409 (1 raised)
Kingdom: Tomato
Role: Governor
Villages: 8 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 6,184 (+466)
Registered since: 03/06/17
Playtime: 58 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 8)
Log: (Entries: 8)
03/06/17Village (-44|-24) settled.
06/06/17Village (-48|-25) settled.
11/06/17Village (-51|-24) settled.
18/06/17Village (-55|-15) settled.
24/06/17Village (-71|-3) settled.
29/06/17Village (-52|-15) settled.
12/07/17Village (-52|-14) settled.
31/07/17(-47|-4) conquered by Chick.
Alliance history:
UA  03/06/17 till 05/06/17  (3 Days)
Tomato  since 06/06/17  (56 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (4 entries)
akrepppon COM3x ( (2017) (Villages: 7)
akrepppon COM3x ( (2016) (Villages: 5)
akrepppon COM3x ( (2016) (Villages: 5)
akrepppon COM3x ( (2016) (Villages: 6)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -44|-24 ) Akreppp1384(+79)(settledSat 03/06/17
( -48|-25 ) Akreppp I1361(+23)(settledTue 06/06/17
( -51|-24 ) Akreppp II1174(+73)(settledSun 11/06/17
( -55|-15 ) Akreppp III1113(+82)(settledSun 18/06/17
( -71|-3 )Akreppp IIII491(+68)(settledSat 24/06/17
( -52|-15 )Akreppp IIIII427(+70)(settledThu 29/06/17
( -52|-14 )Akreppp IIIIII196(+33)(settledWed 12/07/17
( -47|-4 )New village38(-29)(G.v. ChickMon 31/07/17

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