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ForTheWin (

Name: ForTheWin
Rank: 38 (10 fallen)
Kingdom: Basics
Villages: 13
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 10,171 (+36)
Registered since: 20/09/22
Playtime: 147 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 15)
Log: (Entries: 15)
20/09/22Village (-21|3) settled.
21/09/22Village (-20|5) settled.
05/10/22Village (-29|16) settled.
16/10/22Village (-25|-1) settled.
24/10/22Village (-20|6) settled.
01/11/22(-21|7) conquered by masterskull.
08/11/22Village (-20|-1) settled.
15/11/22(-20|-5) conquered by AFS (Shield).
21/11/22(-18|-4) conquered by GenjiBanana (awaken-2).
29/11/22(-13|-7) conquered by Gwyn Arne (Awaken).
22/12/22(14|31) conquered by vodka (Darkness).
23/12/22(14|31) destroyed.
28/12/22(-6|-7) conquered by Satellizer (Awaken).
16/01/23(-24|-7) conquered by Idirján Záskin.
06/02/23(-6|-3) conquered by JoTaPê.
Alliance history:
Apocal  20/09/22 till 15/10/22  (26 Days)
Basics  16/10/22 till 28/10/22  (13 Days)
Basics  since 29/10/22  (109 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (62 entries)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (Villages: 2)
ForTheWinon TEST5x ( (Villages: 5)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (Villages: 3)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2024) (Villages: 11)
ForTheWinon TEST5x ( (2024) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2024) (deleted)
ForTheWinon dynasty2x ( (2024) (Villages: 5)
ForTheWinon COM3 ( (2023) (Villages: 12)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2023) (Villages: 4)
ForTheWinon COM1x3 ( (2023) (Villages: 6)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2023) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (2022) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (2022) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM1x3 ( (2022) (Villages: 8)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (2021) (Villages: 7)
ForTheWinon COM1N ( (2021) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM3 ( (2020) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2020) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (2020) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM4 ( (2020) (Villages: 10)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2020) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM3 ( (2020) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM7 ( (2020) (Villages: 12)
ForTheWinon COM1x3 ( (2020) (Villages: 8)
ForTheWinon COM5x ( (2019) (Villages: 4)
ForTheWinon COM8 ( (2019) (Villages: 11)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2019) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM2 ( (2019) (Villages: 6)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2019) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM1 ( (2019) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2019) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM1N ( (2019) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM6 ( (2019) (Villages: 12)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2019) (Villages: 13)
ForTheWinon COM1x3 ( (2019) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM4 ( (2018) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2018) (Villages: 9)
ForTheWinon COM4 ( (2018) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM2 ( (2018) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2018) (Villages: 8)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2018) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM1x3 ( (2017) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM4 ( (2017) (Villages: 12)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2017) (deleted)
Forthewinon COM2 ( (2017) (deleted)
Forthewinon COM1x3 ( (2017) (Villages: 5)
ForTheWinon COM6 ( (2017) (Villages: 7)
ForTheWinon COM2x3 ( (2017) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2017) (deleted)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2017) (Villages: 15)
ForTheWinon COM3x ( (2017) (Villages: 7)
ForTheWinon COM4 ( (2017) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2017) (Villages: 6)
ForTheWinon COM3x ( (2017) (Villages: 5)
ForTheWinon COM6 ( (2016) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2016) (Villages: 7)
ForTheWinon COM3x ( (2016) (Villages: 10)
ForTheWinon COM5 ( (2016) (deleted)
ForTheWinon TEST ( (2016) (Villages: 2)
forthewinon COM3x ( (2016) (deleted)
forthewinon COM3x ( (2016) (deleted)
forthewinon TEST ( (2016) (Villages: 5)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -20|5 ) A021689(settledWed 21/09/22
( -25|-1 ) A041377(+10)(settledSun 16/10/22
( -20|6 )A05845(settledMon 24/10/22
( -18|-4 )A09807(G.v. GenjiBananaMon 21/11/22
( -20|-1 )A07742(settledTue 08/11/22
( -20|-5 )A08726(G.v. AFSTue 15/11/22
( -21|3 )A01702(settledTue 20/09/22
( -21|7 )A06685(G.v. masterskullTue 01/11/22
( -29|16 )A03674(settledWed 05/10/22
( -6|-7 )A11584(G.v. SatellizerWed 28/12/22
( -24|-7 )A12573(+4)(G.v. Idirján ZáskinMon 16/01/23
( -6|-3 )A13400(+22)(G.v. JoTaPêMon 06/02/23
( -13|-7 )A10367(G.v. Gwyn ArneTue 29/11/22

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 14|31 )1. Vodka101 (destroyed Fri 23/12/22

Player statistics