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Rank: 59 (7 fallen)
Alliance: CH
Villages: 21 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 16,645 (+1,279)
Registered since: 22/12/24
Playtime: 71 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 21)
Log: (Entries: 21)
22/12/24Village (-6|49) settled.
22/12/24Village (-8|46) settled.
22/12/24Village (-8|44) settled.
22/12/24Village (-7|44) settled.
24/12/24Village (-6|50) settled.
30/12/24Village (-18|44) settled.
05/01/25(-22|44) conquered by Natars.
09/01/25(-16|42) conquered by turbo35.
11/01/25(-4|51) conquered by Natars.
19/01/25(0|49) conquered by Natars.
19/01/25(-9|49) conquered by Natars.
31/01/25(-17|49) conquered by Natars.
04/02/25(5|48) conquered by consul Shuma.
08/02/25(-9|42) conquered by ecliss (SNL).
08/02/25(-7|42) conquered by UpstairsWarthog (SNL).
10/02/25(-14|49) conquered by Natars.
16/02/25Village (-2|58) settled.
23/02/25(-9|39) conquered by exotic.
23/02/25(-9|38) conquered by exotic.
23/02/25(-8|38) conquered by exotic.
02/03/25(-2|31) conquered by Le LouP.
Alliance history:
ART$  22/12/24 till 31/12/24  (10 Days)
©™  01/01/25 till 04/01/25  (4 Days)
ART$  05/01/25 till 09/01/25  (5 Days)
CH  since 10/01/25  (53 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
BADCOPon ( (2024) (Villages: 10)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -6|49 ) 04) MARTIN MYSTERE1073(-11)(settledSun 22/12/24
( -8|44 )01) TEX1050(+28)(settledSun 22/12/24
( 0|49 )11) GREGORY HUNTER955(+41)(G.v. NatarsSun 19/01/25
( -7|42 )15) KINOWA940(+38)(G.v. UpstairsWarthogSat 08/02/25
( -22|44 )07) BRENDON881(+20)(G.v. NatarsSun 05/01/25
( -16|42 )08) COMANDANTE MARK858(+28)(G.v. turbo35Thu 09/01/25
( -4|51 )09) JUDAS855(+29)(G.v. NatarsSat 11/01/25
( -9|42 )14) DYLAN DOG845(+10)(G.v. eclissSat 08/02/25
( -9|49 )10) PECOS BILL841(+17)(G.v. NatarsSun 19/01/25
( -7|44 )02) ZAGOR840(+27)(settledSun 22/12/24
( -6|50 )05) NICK RAIDER832(+11)(settledTue 24/12/24
( 5|48 )13) NATHAN NEVER821(+33)(G.v. consul ShumaTue 04/02/25
( -17|49 )12) PICCOLO RANGER815(+45)(G.v. NatarsFri 31/01/25
( -8|46 )03) MISTER NO811(-19)(settledSun 22/12/24
( -8|38 )19) TOPOLINO728(+117)(G.v. exoticSun 23/02/25
( -18|44 )06) BLEK704(+20)(settledMon 30/12/24
( -14|49 )16) ALAN MISTERO702(+51)(G.v. NatarsMon 10/02/25
( -9|38 )20) SUPER PIPPO672(+108)(G.v. exoticSun 23/02/25
( -9|39 )18) GEA659(+98)(G.v. exoticSun 23/02/25
( -2|31 )21) ZIO PAPERONE480(-38)(G.v. Le LouPSun 02/03/25
( -2|58 )17) DAMPYR283(+108)(settledSun 16/02/25

Player statistics