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Octopus (

Name: Octopus
Rank: 219 (91 raised)
Alliance: BLACK
Villages: 15 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 12,333 (+2,655)
Registered since: 22/12/24
Playtime: 30 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 27)
Log: (Entries: 27)
22/12/24Village (-155|-112) settled.
22/12/24Village (-152|-113) settled.
22/12/24Village (-152|-114) settled.
22/12/24Village (-43|-119) settled.
23/12/24Village (-153|-113) settled.
25/12/24Village (-154|-113) settled.
27/12/24 (-152|-114) conquered by SLAVA (BL4CK).
27/12/24Village (-161|-117) settled.
28/12/24 (-153|-113) conquered by SLAVA (BL4CK).
28/12/24 (-152|-113) conquered by SLAVA (BL4CK).
28/12/24Village (-160|-116) settled.
28/12/24Village (-161|-118) settled.
28/12/24Village (-161|-119) settled.
30/12/24Village (-162|-120) settled.
31/12/24 (-155|-112) conquered by SLAVA (BL4CK).
02/01/25(-160|-117) conquered by r4ider.
03/01/25 (-154|-113) conquered by SLAVA (BLACK).
03/01/25 (-43|-119) conquered by Puffiizx (RED).
03/01/25(-161|-120) conquered by r4ider.
04/01/25(-162|-116) conquered by fluffykittens.
07/01/25Village (-159|-117) settled.
07/01/25Village (-163|-116) settled.
08/01/25Village (-159|-116) settled.
09/01/25Village (-182|-125) settled.
12/01/25Village (-153|-114) settled.
16/01/25(-154|-114) conquered by Berks.
17/01/25(-151|-113) conquered by Romiatus.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  22/12/24 till 29/12/24  (8 Days)
TK  30/12/24 till 02/01/25  (4 Days)
(No alliances)  03/01/25 till 06/01/25  (4 Days)
BLK2  07/01/25 till 16/01/25  (10 Days)
(No alliances)  17/01/25 till 19/01/25  (3 Days)
BLACK  since 20/01/25  (2 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (34 entries)
octopuson ( (Villages: 4)
Octopuson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Octopuson ( (deleted)
Octopuson Server 32 ( (deleted)
Octopuson Server 1 ( (deleted)
octopuson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 21)
octopuson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 19)
Octopuson Server 8 ( (deleted)
Octopuson ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 20 ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 4 ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 30 ( (2024) (deleted)
Octopuson ( (2023) (Villages: 8)
Octopuson ( (2023) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 9 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 7 ( (2023) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
Octopuson Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 13)
Octopuson Server 100 ( (2022) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 31 ( (2022) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 4 ( (2022) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 30 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
octopuson ( (2022) (deleted)
octopuson Server 30 ( (2021) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 100 ( (2021) (deleted)
Octopuson Server 50 ( (2021) (Villages: 2)
Octopuson ( (2020) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -161|-119 )03 IceCity1047(+79)(settledSat 28/12/24
( -161|-118 )01 IceMan1039(+86)(settledSat 28/12/24
( -161|-117 ) 00 IceCube993(+125)(settledFri 27/12/24
( -160|-116 )04 IceKnight970(+122)(settledSat 28/12/24
( -162|-116 )07 IceShield963(+142)(G.v. fluffykittensSat 04/01/25
( -162|-120 )05 IceQueen955(+133)(settledMon 30/12/24
( -160|-117 )02 IceTown921(+134)(G.v. r4iderThu 02/01/25
( -161|-120 )06 IceKing901(+127)(G.v. r4iderFri 03/01/25
( -159|-117 )08 IceBall837(+171)(settledTue 07/01/25
( -163|-116 )09 IceSword822(+161)(settledTue 07/01/25
( -153|-114 )12 IceSpear782(+341)(settledSun 12/01/25
( -159|-116 )10 IceHome763(+230)(settledWed 08/01/25
( -182|-125 )11 IceAmor703(+167)(settledThu 09/01/25
( -154|-114 )13382(+58)(G.v. BerksThu 16/01/25
( -151|-113 )14255(+38)(G.v. RomiatusFri 17/01/25

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -152|-114 )02 IceMan672(c.t. SLAVA Fri 27/12/24
( -153|-113 )05 IceKnight586(c.t. SLAVA Sat 28/12/24
( -152|-113 )04 IceCity608(c.t. SLAVA Sat 28/12/24
( -155|-112 )03 IceTown755(c.t. SLAVA Tue 31/12/24
( -154|-113 )06 IceKing629(c.t. SLAVA Fri 03/01/25
( -43|-119 )01 IceBall891(c.t. Puffiizx Fri 03/01/25

Player statistics