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Rank: 3 (no change)
Kingdom: Wejes
Villages: 10
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 11,428 (+480)
Registered since: 17/06/24
Playtime: 145 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 12)
Log: (Entries: 12)
17/06/24(-10|-11) conquered by LORD GORDI.
20/06/24 (-10|-11) conquered by Jacqueline.
20/06/24Village (0|9) settled.
20/06/24Village (3|16) settled.
05/07/24Village (-2|6) settled.
13/07/24Village (1|16) settled.
23/07/24Village (-1|14) settled.
06/08/24Village (-10|-2) settled.
27/08/24Village (-15|11) settled.
08/09/24Village (0|20) settled.
02/10/24(14|5) conquered by Adriankamon.
06/10/24(2|6) conquered by txikitin.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  17/06/24 till 19/06/24  (3 Days)
HISPANIA  20/06/24 till 24/06/24  (5 Days)
Fénix  25/06/24 till 24/07/24  (30 Days)
Wejes  since 25/07/24  (108 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
MERCENARIO⚔️on ES2x3 ( (2024) (Villages: 8)
MERCENARIO⚔️on ES2 ( (2023) (Villages: 8)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 0|9 ) MERCENARIO 11889(-36)(settledThu 20/06/24
( 3|16 ) MERCENARIO 21454(settledThu 20/06/24
( -2|6 ) MERCENARIO 31401(settledFri 05/07/24
( 1|16 ) MERCENARIO 41375(settledSat 13/07/24
( -1|14 ) MERCENARIO 51370(+3)(settledTue 23/07/24
( 2|6 ) MERCENARIO 101210(+500)(G.v. txikitinSun 06/10/24
( -10|-2 )MERCENARIO 6796(+3)(settledTue 06/08/24
( -15|11 )MERCENARIO 7696(+6)(settledTue 27/08/24
( 14|5 )MERCENARIO 9690(G.v. AdriankamonWed 02/10/24
( 0|20 )MERCENARIO 8547(+4)(settledSun 08/09/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -10|-11 ) MERCENARIO 1177(c.t. Jacqueline Thu 20/06/24

Player statistics