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WhizKid (

Name: WhizKid
Rank: 61 (22 raised)
Alliance: Buffoni
Villages: 30 (+5)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 25,393 (+3,295)
Registered since: 19/06/19
Playtime: 115 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 30)
Log: (Entries: 30)
19/06/19Village (68|17) settled.
25/06/19Village (112|51) settled.
05/07/19Village (111|51) settled.
09/07/19Village (113|50) settled.
19/07/19(111|50) conquered by zizo.
22/07/19(109|55) conquered by naughty (CUP Int.).
27/07/19(112|57) conquered by Rukk.
31/07/19(122|55) conquered by TAKEBYTUEK (Mordor).
04/08/19(113|54) conquered by Rukk.
12/08/19(113|52) conquered by Rukk.
13/08/19(113|53) conquered by Rukk.
18/08/19(119|64) conquered by Rukk.
18/08/19(117|62) conquered by Rukk.
22/08/19(108|48) conquered by Henkish.
26/08/19(108|52) conquered by King Toten (SWANS).
30/08/19(115|35) conquered by pk93.
06/09/19(116|55) conquered by Cr4Ft (AOTW-2).
08/09/19(114|53) conquered by Bradman (AOTW-2).
12/09/19(114|42) conquered by Bradman (AOTW-1).
13/09/19(114|55) conquered by Bradman (AOTW-1).
16/09/19(113|42) conquered by Bradman (AOTW-1).
23/09/19(103|55) conquered by TITANQVEST (AOTW-1).
26/09/19(117|68) conquered by Lard (FF-TH).
27/09/19(108|46) conquered by misko (AOTW).
01/10/19(118|48) conquered by DEL_PIERO (AOTW-RI).
06/10/19(118|49) conquered by DEL_PIERO (AOTW-RI).
06/10/19(117|48) conquered by DEL_PIERO (AOTW-RI).
10/10/19(116|58) conquered by Natars.
10/10/19(109|53) conquered by Natars.
12/10/19(112|44) conquered by Andipo (AOTW-RI).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  19/06/19 
UVT2  20/06/19 till 11/07/19  (22 Days)
Hope Ne  12/07/19 till 22/07/19  (11 Days)
AOTW-1  23/07/19 till 03/09/19  (43 Days)
NE™ LGN  04/09/19 till 11/10/19  (38 Days)
Buffoni  12/10/19 
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (28 entries)
WhizKidon Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 7)
WhizKidon Server 71 ( (2021) (deleted)
WhizKidon Server 44 ( (2021) (Villages: 24)
WhizKidon ( (2020) (deleted)
WhizKidon Server 73 ( (2020) (Villages: 22)
WhizKidon ( (2019) (Villages: 7)
WhizKidon Server 5 ( (2019) (deleted)
WhizKidon Speed 3x ( (2016) (Villages: 2)
WhizKidon Speed 3x [] ( (2015) (Villages: 10)
WhizKidon RoA [] ( (2015) (deleted)
WhizKidon Server 1 ( (2014) (deleted)
WhizKidon Server 10 ( (2013) (deleted)
WhizKidon ( (2013) (Villages: 7)
WhizKidon Server 5 ( (2013) (deleted)
WhizKidon ( (2013) (Villages: 15)
WhizKidon Server 5 ( (2012) (deleted)
WhizKidon ( (2012) (Villages: 18)
WhizKidon ( (2011) (Villages: 14)
WhizKidon ( (2010) (Villages: 22)
whizkidon ( (2010) (deleted)
WhizKidon ( (2009) (Villages: 42)
whizkidon ( (2009) (deleted)
whizkidon ( (2009) (deleted)
Whizkidon ( (2008) (deleted)
whizkidon ( (2008) (deleted)
whizkidon ( (2008) (deleted)
WhizKidon ( (2008) (deleted)
whizkidon ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 112|51 )02 - Cosmic Boy1090(+28)(settledTue 25/06/19
( 114|42 )19 - Supergirl1012(+17)(G.v. BradmanThu 12/09/19
( 114|53 )18 - Dream Girl1009(+30)(G.v. BradmanSun 08/09/19
( 112|57 )07- Colossal Boy997(+46)(G.v. RukkSat 27/07/19
( 122|55 )08 - Invisible Kid975(+19)(G.v. TAKEBYTUEKWed 31/07/19
( 114|55 )20 - Ferro Lad965(+68)(G.v. BradmanFri 13/09/19
( 111|50 )05 - Phantom Girl963(+37)(G.v. zizoFri 19/07/19
( 113|50 )04 - Duo Damsel959(+27)(settledTue 09/07/19
( 113|52 )10 - Star Boy956(+46)(G.v. RukkMon 12/08/19
( 109|55 )06 - Chameleon Boy956(+48)(G.v. naughtyMon 22/07/19
( 111|51 )03 - Saturn Girl951(+22)(settledFri 05/07/19
( 113|42 )21 - Lightning Lass944(+88)(G.v. BradmanMon 16/09/19
( 116|55 )17 - Element Lad936(+8)(G.v. Cr4FtFri 06/09/19
( 108|48 )14 - Ultra Boy933(+51)(G.v. HenkishThu 22/08/19
( 108|52 )15 - Bouncing Boy927(+70)(G.v. King TotenMon 26/08/19
( 115|35 )16 - MatterEater Lad923(+64)(G.v. pk93Fri 30/08/19
( 113|53 )11 - Sun Boy920(+38)(G.v. RukkTue 13/08/19
( 108|46 )24 - Superboy887(+102)(G.v. miskoFri 27/09/19
( 68|17 )01 - Lightning Lad885(+33)(settledWed 19/06/19
( 119|64 )13 - Mon-El868(-25)(G.v. RukkSun 18/08/19
( 103|55 )22 - Shadow Lass860(+87)(G.v. TITANQVESTMon 23/09/19
( 113|54 )09 - Brainiac 5833(-72)(G.v. RukkSun 04/08/19
( 117|62 )12 - ShrinkingViolet830(-72)(G.v. RukkSun 18/08/19
( 112|44 )30 - BradMan822(-121)(G.v. AndipoSat 12/10/19
( 117|68 )23 - Laurel Gand820(+70)(G.v. LardThu 26/09/19
( 118|48 )25 - Kid Quantum678(+149)(G.v. DEL_PIEROTue 01/10/19
( 118|49 )26- PrincessProjecta459(+48)(G.v. DEL_PIEROSun 06/10/19
( 109|53 )28 - RichMan361(+57)(G.v. NatarsThu 10/10/19
( 117|48 )27 - Chemical Kid355(+41)(G.v. DEL_PIEROSun 06/10/19
( 116|58 )29 - MattMan319(+53)(G.v. NatarsThu 10/10/19

Player statistics