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pa3k (

Name: pa3k
Rank: 993 (194 fallen)
Alliance: S.P.Q.R.
Villages: 7 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 3,316 (-10)
Registered since: 19/10/20
Playtime: 18 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 11)
Log: (Entries: 11)
19/10/20Village (18|-47) settled.
19/10/20Village (19|-47) settled.
21/10/20(23|-49) conquered by teletabis.
21/10/20(24|-49) conquered by Natars.
26/10/20(25|-50) conquered by Merki (Deliler#).
04/11/20(22|-49) conquered by Leranis (DOOM&SN™).
04/11/20(23|-48) conquered by Leranis (DOOM&SN™).
04/11/20(22|-48) conquered by Leranis (DOOM&SN™).
04/11/20(23|-47) conquered by Leranis (DOOM&SN™).
06/11/20 (18|-47) conquered by Yoda (SF).
06/11/20 (25|-50) conquered by Yoda (SF).
Alliance history:
S.P.Q.R.  since 19/10/20  (19 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (14 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 24|-49 )W03575(+2)(G.v. NatarsWed 21/10/20
( 19|-47 )W02567(-44)(settledMon 19/10/20
( 23|-48 )W05567(+79)(G.v. LeranisWed 04/11/20
( 22|-49 )W06538(+135)(G.v. LeranisWed 04/11/20
( 23|-47 )W07428(+123)(G.v. LeranisWed 04/11/20
( 22|-48 )W08399(+226)(G.v. LeranisWed 04/11/20
( 23|-49 )W00242(-549)(G.v. teletabisWed 21/10/20

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 18|-47 )W01724(c.t. Yoda Fri 06/11/20
( 25|-50 )W04635(c.t. Yoda Fri 06/11/20

Player statistics