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Chiry (

Name: Chiry
Rank: 375 (6 raised)
Alliance: WBB
Villages: 20
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 12,840 (+466)
Registered since: 19/07/20
Playtime: 245 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 20)
Log: (Entries: 20)
19/07/20Village (1|-150) settled.
05/08/20Village (1|-151) settled.
29/08/20Village (-2|-152) settled.
23/09/20Village (-3|-154) settled.
15/10/20Village (-4|-151) settled.
31/10/20(-3|-149) conquered by Natars.
15/11/20(-5|-149) conquered by Natars.
21/11/20Village (-3|-143) settled.
30/11/20Village (-32|-54) settled.
10/12/20Village (-31|-54) settled.
08/01/21(-4|-144) conquered by Natars.
09/01/21(-7|-146) conquered by Natars.
21/01/21(-15|-146) conquered by Sikqo5.
26/01/21(-32|-52) conquered by Natars.
01/02/21(-4|-141) conquered by hikuma (DT-Ka).
12/02/21Village (-34|-53) settled.
12/02/21Village (-12|-146) settled.
01/03/21(21|-147) conquered by Fedriko.
06/03/21(17|-147) conquered by Fedriko.
10/03/21(-11|-143) conquered by hikuma.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  19/07/20 till 27/07/20  (9 Days)
SWU-X  28/07/20 till 30/07/20  (3 Days)
(No alliances)  31/07/20 
AKTLR  01/08/20 till 05/08/20  (5 Days)
LM3  06/08/20 till 28/08/20  (23 Days)
LM1  29/08/20 till 06/10/20  (39 Days)
WBB  since 07/10/20  (166 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (18 entries)
Chiryon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 3)
Chiryon COM1 ( (Villages: 5)
Chiryon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Chiryon COM1x2 ( (Villages: 7)
Chiryon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Chiryon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Chiryon Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 7)
Chiryon Server 97 ( (2020) (Villages: 11)
Chiryon Server 43 ( (2020) (Villages: 14)
Chiryon Server 33 ( (2020) (Villages: 10)
Chiryon Server 48 ( (2020) (Villages: 20)
Chiryon Server 3 ( (2019) (deleted)
Chiryon Fire and Sand ( (2018) (Villages: 11)
Chiryon Server 6 ( (2014) (deleted)
Chiryon Server 61 ( (2014) (Villages: 9)
Chiryon ( (2011) (Villages: 4)
chiryon ( (2010) (deleted)
chiryon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 1|-150 )Chiry_01024(+39)(settledSun 19/07/20
( 1|-151 )Chiry_1966(+5)(settledWed 05/08/20
( -2|-152 )Chiry_2927(+6)(settledSat 29/08/20
( -3|-154 )Chiry_3895(+9)(settledWed 23/09/20
( -3|-149 )Chiry_5_conquered867(+8)(G.v. NatarsSat 31/10/20
( -4|-151 )Chiry_4853(+7)(settledThu 15/10/20
( -5|-149 )Chiry_6_conquered837(+15)(G.v. NatarsSun 15/11/20
( -4|-141 )Chiry_14_conquered717(+33)(G.v. hikumaMon 01/02/21
( -3|-143 )Chiry_7708(+21)(settledSat 21/11/20
( -7|-146 )Chiry_11_conquered694(+31)(G.v. NatarsSat 09/01/21
( -4|-144 )Chiry_10_conquered685(+37)(G.v. NatarsFri 08/01/21
( -32|-54 )Chiry_8661(+37)(settledMon 30/11/20
( -31|-54 )Chiry_9585(+27)(settledThu 10/12/20
( -32|-52 )Chiry_13_conquered537(+23)(G.v. NatarsTue 26/01/21
( -15|-146 )Chiry_12_conquered491(+29)(G.v. Sikqo5Thu 21/01/21
( 21|-147 )Chiry_17_conquered429(+26)(G.v. FedrikoMon 01/03/21
( 17|-147 )Chiry_18_conquered381(+24)(G.v. FedrikoSat 06/03/21
( -11|-143 )Chiry_19_conquered257(+27)(G.v. hikumaWed 10/03/21
( -34|-53 )Chiry_16163(+31)(settledFri 12/02/21
( -12|-146 )Chiry_15163(+31)(settledFri 12/02/21

Player statistics