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paepae (

Name: paepae
Rank: 4 (1 fallen)
Alliance: War
Villages: 32 (-2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 27,527 (-1,807)
Registered since: 26/01/24
Playtime: 192 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 62)
Log: (Entries: 62)
26/01/24Village (6|-37) settled.
26/01/24Village (-27|-51) settled.
26/01/24Village (-29|-60) settled.
26/01/24Village (-26|-67) settled.
29/01/24Village (9|-39) settled.
05/02/24Village (9|-36) settled.
15/02/24(-33|-60) conquered by Mick.
21/02/24(-29|-66) conquered by Mick.
02/03/24(-35|-53) conquered by magoo64 (Borg).
07/03/24(9|-44) conquered by Antynlot (Angel).
10/03/24(10|-46) conquered by Antynlot.
15/03/24(11|-41) conquered by Elphares 2024 (Angel).
22/03/24(15|-34) conquered by iwannabeplay (Borg).
29/03/24(8|-26) conquered by welocyraptor (Borg).
30/03/24(5|-20) conquered by welocyraptor (Borg).
08/04/24(-32|-51) conquered by cardoso (Borg).
08/04/24(26|-45) conquered by DSSAlekxander (Angel).
11/04/24 (26|-45) conquered by wonderland12 (War).
12/04/24(23|-55) conquered by Asuro (Angel).
13/04/24(23|-55) destroyed.
14/04/24(13|-42) conquered by hollyhock.
14/04/24(22|-57) conquered by Asuro (Angel).
18/04/24(-2|-23) conquered by Eraser (Borg).
24/04/24(-17|-20) conquered by Pampa82 (Borg).
01/05/24(89|-40) conquered by NQT.
02/05/24(-38|-4) conquered by Moltodilatato (VN).
02/05/24(89|-40) destroyed.
03/05/24 (-38|-4) conquered by spooky bOOkie (War).
03/05/24(-32|-2) conquered by Moltodilatato (VN).
05/05/24 (-32|-2) conquered by numsek (War).
05/05/24(59|20) conquered by Rockman Lee (VN).
06/05/24(-22|2) conquered by Moltodilatato (VN).
06/05/24(59|20) destroyed.
08/05/24(-51|-24) conquered by WaRRioR (VN).
12/05/24(-153|-85) conquered by LaMoS (War).
15/05/24(80|-38) conquered by RedDragon (VN).
16/05/24(-17|-19) conquered by wolfy (VN).
16/05/24(80|-38) destroyed.
19/05/24(73|-38) conquered by BlueDragon (VN).
20/05/24(73|-38) destroyed.
22/05/24(68|-68) conquered by xgk (VN).
25/05/24(142|-76) conquered by Light619 (VN).
28/05/24(87|-88) conquered by DSSAlekxander (Angel).
28/05/24(86|-92) conquered by DSSAlekxander (Angel).
28/05/24(142|-76) destroyed.
05/06/24 (-22|2) conquered by abnoose (War).
05/06/24(79|-33) conquered by GoldenTiger (VN).
05/06/24(68|10) conquered by bobychini (Angel).
10/06/24 (-153|-85) conquered by l3ea (War).
21/06/24(60|1) conquered by Cheese8 (Angel).
23/06/24 (68|10) conquered by Cheese8 (Angel).
01/07/24(-113|97) conquered by 16baby.
01/07/24(-112|97) conquered by 16baby.
01/07/24(-112|94) conquered by 16baby.
02/07/24(-113|95) conquered by 16baby.
06/07/24(60|3) conquered by darklord9.
10/07/24(62|10) conquered by Cheese8 (Angel).
12/07/24(95|26) conquered by Cheese8 (Angel).
20/07/24 (68|-68) conquered by xgk (Angel).
21/07/24(68|-68) conquered by xgk (Angel).
04/08/24 (60|3) conquered by kolombo9 (Angel).
05/08/24 (62|10) conquered by kolombo9 (Angel).
Alliance history:
War  since 26/01/24  (193 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (20 entries)
paepaeon Server 6 ( (deleted)
paepaeon Server 4 ( (2024) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 9 ( (2023) (Villages: 8)
paepaeon ( (2023) (deleted)
paepaeon ( (2023) (Villages: 59)
paepaeon Server 1 ( (2022) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 20 ( (2022) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 8 ( (2022) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 2 ( (2022) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 1 ( (2022) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 16 ( (2022) (Villages: 26)
paepaeon ( (2022) (Villages: 26)
paepaeon Server 8 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 30 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 5 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 21 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 3 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon Server 50 ( (2021) (deleted)
paepaeon ( (2020) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)KingdomSettled/
( 6|-37 ) 001023Ravenna(settledFri 26/01/24
( -17|-19 )22986Pisae(G.v. wolfyThu 16/05/24
( 79|-33 )26933Ulpiana(G.v. GoldenTigerWed 05/06/24
( -113|97 )30924Corinium(G.v. 16babyMon 01/07/24
( -112|97 )29923Corinium(G.v. 16babyMon 01/07/24
( 86|-92 )24915Sparta(G.v. DSSAlekxanderTue 28/05/24
( -112|94 )31911Corinium(G.v. 16babyMon 01/07/24
( -17|-20 )19909Pisae(G.v. Pampa82Wed 24/04/24
( 60|1 )28904(-30)Mursa(G.v. Cheese8Fri 21/06/24
( 87|-88 )25903Sparta(G.v. DSSAlekxanderTue 28/05/24
( 15|-34 )12885Ravenna(G.v. iwannabeplayFri 22/03/24
( -35|-53 )08880Caralis(G.v. magoo64Sat 02/03/24
( -2|-23 )18868Ravenna(G.v. EraserThu 18/04/24
( -32|-51 )15859Caralis(G.v. cardosoMon 08/04/24
( -51|-24 )21857Massalia(G.v. WaRRioRWed 08/05/24
( -113|95 )32844Corinium(G.v. 16babyTue 02/07/24
( 13|-42 )17840Ravenna(G.v. hollyhockSun 14/04/24
( 11|-41 )11827Ravenna(G.v. Elphares 2024Fri 15/03/24
( 95|26 )35826Gherla(G.v. Cheese8Fri 12/07/24
( 9|-44 )09819Pisae(G.v. AntynlotThu 07/03/24
( 5|-20 )14818Ravenna(G.v. welocyraptorSat 30/03/24
( -27|-51 )01815Caralis(settledFri 26/01/24
( -33|-60 )06814Caralis(G.v. MickThu 15/02/24
( -26|-67 )02813Caralis(settledFri 26/01/24
( -29|-66 )07809Caralis(G.v. MickWed 21/02/24
( 22|-57 )16806Brundisium(G.v. AsuroSun 14/04/24
( -29|-60 )03805Caralis(settledFri 26/01/24
( 68|-68 )23804Apollonia(G.v. xgkSun 21/07/24
( 8|-26 )13803Ravenna(G.v. welocyraptorFri 29/03/24
( 9|-36 )05802Ravenna(settledMon 05/02/24
( 10|-46 )10801Pisae(G.v. AntynlotSun 10/03/24
( 9|-39 )04801Ravenna(settledMon 29/01/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 26|-45 )16724(c.t. wonderland12 Thu 11/04/24
( 23|-55 )Asuro's Third361 (destroyed Sat 13/04/24
( 89|-40 )20746 (destroyed Thu 02/05/24
( -38|-4 )20772(c.t. spooky bOOkie Fri 03/05/24
( -32|-2 )20763(c.t. numsek Sun 05/05/24
( 59|20 )Song kiếm138 (destroyed Mon 06/05/24
( 80|-38 )RD2381 (destroyed Thu 16/05/24
( 73|-38 )Thank You349 (destroyed Mon 20/05/24
( 142|-76 )1L475 (destroyed Tue 28/05/24
( -22|2 )20845(c.t. abnoose Wed 05/06/24
( -153|-85 )Alexander the Great862(c.t. l3ea Mon 10/06/24
( 68|10 )27814(c.t. Cheese8 Sun 23/06/24
( 60|3 )33880(c.t. kolombo9 Sun 04/08/24
( 62|10 )34897(c.t. kolombo9 Mon 05/08/24

Player statistics