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RatinaE (

Name: RatinaE
Rank: 135 (40 raised)
Alliance: 187
Villages: 9 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 5,920 (+1,144)
Registered since: 14/01/25
Playtime: 58 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 9)
Log: (Entries: 9)
14/01/25Village (101|37) settled.
14/01/25Village (104|35) settled.
14/01/25Village (98|33) settled.
30/01/25Village (99|35) settled.
11/02/25Village (97|33) settled.
19/02/25Village (101|34) settled.
25/02/25Village (102|33) settled.
03/03/25Village (101|32) settled.
11/03/25(93|32) conquered by mGiTsi (LHK).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  14/01/25 till 15/01/25  (2 Days)
NATO2  16/01/25 till 26/01/25  (11 Days)
LHK  27/01/25 till 11/02/25  (16 Days)
DACIA  12/02/25 till 04/03/25  (21 Days)
187  since 05/03/25  (9 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
RatinaEon Server 5 ( (deleted)
RatinaEon ( (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)KingdomSettled/
( 98|33 )Ratina 2948(+12)Gherla(settledTue 14/01/25
( 101|37 ) Ratina 1928(+27)Gherla(settledTue 14/01/25
( 104|35 )Ratina 4818(+20)Gherla(settledTue 14/01/25
( 99|35 )ratina 3.0758(+5)Gherla(settledThu 30/01/25
( 97|33 )ratina 2.1674(+116)Gherla(settledTue 11/02/25
( 101|34 )ratina 3.1618(+212)Gherla(settledWed 19/02/25
( 93|32 )R5528(+19)Gherla(G.v. mGiTsiTue 11/03/25
( 102|33 )ratina 3.2392(+142)Gherla(settledTue 25/02/25
( 101|32 )ratina 3.3256(+82)Gherla(settledMon 03/03/25

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