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gratta (

*deleted* (07/12/09)
Old name: grattaculo
Registered since: 20/04/09
Deletion: 07/12/09
Playtime: 231 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 24)
Log: (Entries: 24)
20/04/09Village (-23|-1) settled.
28/05/09Village (-21|-1) settled.
22/06/09Village (-22|0) settled.
14/07/09Village (-166|-268) settled.
09/08/09Village (-169|-269) settled.
02/09/09 (-21|-1) conquered by ale doda (HISPA™ M).
03/09/09 (-22|0) conquered by xanax (HISPA™ M).
04/09/09Village (-169|-278) settled.
09/09/09Village (-161|-280) settled.
17/09/09(-163|-273) conquered by BIMBO.
29/09/09Village (-177|-259) settled.
25/10/09(-158|-262) conquered by Neobonaerense.
15/11/09(-151|-283) conquered by terminus.
15/11/09Village (-162|-280) settled.
16/11/09 (-177|-259) conquered by Paolo-Bitta76.
17/11/09 (-161|-280) conquered by Paolo-Bitta76.
20/11/09 (-158|-262) conquered by Paolo-Bitta76.
23/11/09 (-169|-269) conquered by Paolo-Bitta76 (FBL).
23/11/09 (-23|-1) conquered by I mugnai (nABBI).
08/12/09Village (-166|-268) deleted at player deletion.
08/12/09Village (-163|-273) deleted at player deletion.
08/12/09Village (-169|-278) deleted at player deletion.
08/12/09Village (-162|-280) deleted at player deletion.
08/12/09Village (-151|-283) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  20/04/09 till 26/04/09  (7 Days)
FBL  27/04/09 till 31/08/09  (127 Days)
(No alliances)  01/09/09 till 02/09/09  (2 Days)
FBL  03/09/09 till 07/12/09  (96 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (19 entries)
Grattaon Server 2 ( (2016) (deleted)
grattaon Server 19 ( (2014) (deleted)
Grattaon Server 7 ( (2014) (deleted)
grattaon Speed 3x ( (2013) (deleted)
grattaon Server 5 ( (2012) (deleted)
grattaon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
grattaon Server 4 ( (2012) (deleted)
grattaon Server 9 ( (2012) (deleted)
grattaon ( (2012) (deleted)
grattaon Server 7 ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon Server 1 ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon Server 3 ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon Server 10 ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon Server 2 ( (2011) (deleted)
grattaon ( (2009) (deleted)
grattaon ( (2008) (deleted)
grattaon ( (2008) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -166|-268 )06-Travincal652(+23)(settledTue 14/07/09
( -169|-278 )Murabbis490(+40)(settledFri 04/09/09
( -163|-273 )Bimbo(G.v. BIMBOThu 17/09/09
( -151|-283 )ciabattina(G.v. terminusSun 15/11/09
( -162|-280 )nina(settledSun 15/11/09

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -21|-1 )Vittoriale0(c.t. ale doda Wed 02/09/09
( -22|0 ).0(c.t. xanax Thu 03/09/09
( -177|-259 )F.B.L.0(c.t. Paolo-Bitta76 Mon 16/11/09
( -161|-280 )Positano0(c.t. Paolo-Bitta76 Tue 17/11/09
( -158|-262 )Buenos Aires0(c.t. Paolo-Bitta76 Fri 20/11/09
( -169|-269 )(◣..◢)0(c.t. Paolo-Bitta76 Mon 23/11/09
( -23|-1 )PRIORIA0(c.t. I mugnai Mon 23/11/09
( -166|-268 )(◣_◢)0 (deleted Tue 08/12/09
( -163|-273 )Bimbo0 (deleted Tue 08/12/09
( -169|-278 )Vittoriale0 (deleted Tue 08/12/09
( -162|-280 )nina0 (deleted Tue 08/12/09
( -151|-283 )ciabattina0 (deleted Tue 08/12/09

Player statistics