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everson (

Name: everson
Rank: 814 (6 fallen)
Alliance: UROSIK
Villages: 14
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 10,058 (+8)
Registered since: 05/06/10
Playtime: 213 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 18)
Log: (Entries: 18)
05/06/10Village (261|-22) settled.
06/07/10Village (261|-21) settled.
20/07/10Village (261|-20) settled.
07/08/10Village (262|-22) settled.
27/08/10Village (262|-20) settled.
10/09/10Village (263|-20) settled.
21/09/10Village (263|-21) settled.
03/10/10Village (237|-107) settled.
04/10/10(237|-107) destroyed.
16/10/10(266|-26) conquered by Sciacal (NescAjax).
16/10/10(267|-19) conquered by eis 1982 (NescAjax).
23/10/10(251|-12) conquered by fili92 (NescAjax).
07/11/10(261|-33) conquered by barbalalla (S.A.X.).
10/11/10(249|-11) conquered by fili92.
22/11/10Village (268|-27) settled.
27/11/10(268|-27) destroyed.
30/11/10(256|-34) conquered by euro (NescAjax).
06/12/10(284|-23) conquered by derrik.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  05/06/10 till 07/06/10  (3 Days)
the wolf  08/06/10 till 18/06/10  (11 Days)
UNI1  19/06/10 till 08/08/10  (51 Days)
UNI_ci  09/08/10 till 14/08/10  (6 Days)
NescAjax  15/08/10 till 25/08/10  (11 Days)
inNESCo  26/08/10 till 04/09/10  (10 Days)
NescAjax  05/09/10 till 21/09/10  (17 Days)
UROSIK  since 22/09/10  (105 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (5 entries)
eversonon ( (2010) (deleted)
eversonon ( (2010) (deleted)
eversonon ( (2010) (deleted)
eversonon ( (2010) (deleted)
eversonon ( (2010) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 261|-22 )terminator963(settledSat 05/06/10
( 266|-26 )terminator 8c919(+4)(G.v. SciacalSat 16/10/10
( 251|-12 )terminator 10c824(G.v. fili92Sat 23/10/10
( 256|-34 )teminator 13c747(+3)(G.v. euroTue 30/11/10
( 262|-22 )terminator 4738(settledSat 07/08/10
( 263|-20 )teminator 6736(settledFri 10/09/10
( 261|-21 )terminator 2734(settledTue 06/07/10
( 262|-20 )terminator 5731(settledFri 27/08/10
( 261|-20 )terminator 3729(settledTue 20/07/10
( 263|-21 )terminator 7719(settledTue 21/09/10
( 267|-19 )terminator 9c622(G.v. eis 1982Sat 16/10/10
( 261|-33 )terminator 11c567(G.v. barbalallaSun 07/11/10
( 284|-23 )demolidor-Il lupoIX518(+1)(G.v. derrikMon 06/12/10
( 249|-11 )terminator 12c511(G.v. fili92Wed 10/11/10

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 237|-107 )Nuovo villaggio2 (destroyed Mon 04/10/10
( 268|-27 )terminator 13a40 (destroyed Sat 27/11/10

Player statistics