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Fame (

Name: Fame
Rank: 190 (11 fallen)
Alliance: DooM
Villages: 28
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 23,560 (+18)
Registered since: 22/03/09
Playtime: 254 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 42)
Log: (Entries: 42)
22/03/09Village (-167|-27) settled.
22/03/09Village (-163|-35) settled.
22/03/09Village (-162|-34) settled.
22/03/09Village (-178|-34) settled.
22/03/09Village (-158|-33) settled.
22/03/09Village (-162|-32) settled.
22/03/09Village (-162|-31) settled.
23/03/09(-175|-25) conquered by heroxxx.
25/03/09 (-178|-34) conquered by libertycity (DooM).
03/04/09(-179|-46) conquered by thedavide.
05/04/09(-158|-48) conquered by lupetto (H&F).
23/04/09(-152|-13) conquered by Solid Snake.
24/04/09(-153|-14) conquered by Solid Snake.
10/05/09(-148|-12) conquered by lucalitalia (LEGION.).
15/05/09(-145|-16) conquered by lucalitalia (Warrior2).
22/05/09(-145|-14) conquered by ppepep (Warrior2).
25/06/09(-100|-38) conquered by gabrithemad.
26/06/09(-101|-38) conquered by gabrithemad.
27/06/09 (-101|-38) conquered by killer8 (ALL IN*).
28/06/09(-162|-37) conquered by maos.
01/07/09(-83|-33) conquered by Scemo_chi_legge.
02/07/09(-83|-34) conquered by Scemo_chi_legge.
03/07/09(-97|-23) conquered by Scemo_chi_legge.
17/07/09(-146|-95) conquered by stupero (I SAINTS).
21/07/09(-87|-41) conquered by msaviola (ALL IN*).
30/07/09(-86|-43) conquered by MadCriky (ALLIN).
06/08/09(-73|-36) conquered by MadCriky (ALLIN).
07/08/09 (-73|-36) conquered by francx (ALL IN*).
08/08/09(-122|-22) conquered by Angelo Bianco.
18/08/09(-186|-224) conquered by atzeni fabrizio (-SAINTS-).
18/08/09(-186|-226) conquered by E UMBERTO V.
21/08/09 (-186|-226) conquered by Max Monello (-SAINTS-).
22/08/09(-149|0) conquered by creativity (HECLIP§E).
03/09/09(-87|-39) conquered by Lionheart ([BRZ]).
09/09/09(-80|-23) conquered by RoseRevenge (Mer@Meo3).
10/09/09 (-80|-23) conquered by zorro72 (LEGION).
12/09/09(-78|-26) conquered by branny (LEGION).
19/09/09 (-78|-26) conquered by yus (LEGION).
20/09/09(-73|-23) conquered by Vigo (LEGION).
01/10/09 (-73|-23) conquered by Sbruttole (ALL IN*).
08/11/09Village (-98|-23) settled.
08/11/09Village (-87|-42) settled.
Alliance history:
48H  22/03/09 
superman  23/03/09 till 24/03/09  (2 Days)
DooM  25/03/09 till 05/11/09  (226 Days)
IO  06/11/09 
DooM  07/11/09 till 08/11/09  (2 Days)
Urca  09/11/09 till 13/11/09  (5 Days)
DooM  since 14/11/09  (18 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (22 entries)
FAMEon ( (deleted)
Fameon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Fameon ( (Villages: 19)
fameon Speed 3x ( (2020) (Villages: 20)
Fameon Server 3 ( (2018) (deleted)
Fameon Server 2 ( (2018) (deleted)
Fameon New Years Special ( (2017) (deleted)
FAMEon RoA x2 ( (2017) (deleted)
fameon Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
Fameon Server 1 ( (2012) (deleted)
FAMEon Server 2 ( (2012) (deleted)
fameon Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
fameon Server 10 ( (2011) (deleted)
Fameon Server 4 ( (2011) (Villages: 20)
Fameon ( (2010) (deleted)
FaMèon ( (2010) (deleted)
Fameon ( (2010) (deleted)
fameon ( (2009) (deleted)
Fameon ( (2009) (deleted)
FAMEon ( (2009) (deleted)
FaMeon ( (2009) (deleted)
Fameon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -162|-34 )Urca urca tirolero1170(settledSun 22/03/09
( -167|-27 )18 e goldfinger983(settledSun 22/03/09
( -83|-33 )03 speciale. Megerah977(G.v. Scemo_chi_leggeWed 01/07/09
( -162|-31 )Fame969(settledSun 22/03/09
( -162|-32 )oggi splende il sol960(settledSun 22/03/09
( -83|-34 )02una persona954(+4)(G.v. Scemo_chi_leggeThu 02/07/09
( -87|-41 )19950(G.v. msaviolaTue 21/07/09
( -179|-46 )15941(G.v. thedavideFri 03/04/09
( -152|-13 )10 Dylan 76939(G.v. Solid SnakeThu 23/04/09
( -100|-38 )the end927(G.v. gabrithemadThu 25/06/09
( -175|-25 )16922(G.v. heroxxxMon 23/03/09
( -149|0 )09 Warrior Virgo917(+1)(G.v. creativitySat 22/08/09
( -148|-12 )06 tanta bella gente905(G.v. lucalitaliaSun 10/05/09
( -162|-37 )21895(G.v. maosSun 28/06/09
( -163|-35 )08 Scusa a :893(settledSun 22/03/09
( -158|-33 )13890(settledSun 22/03/09
( -158|-48 )22878(G.v. lupettoSun 05/04/09
( -146|-95 )14AMMAZZA VAMPYRO875(G.v. stuperoFri 17/07/09
( -145|-16 )17al mio vicino O.o875(G.v. lucalitaliaFri 15/05/09
( -87|-39 )12 Un bel server871(+1)(G.v. LionheartThu 03/09/09
( -145|-14 )07 I DOOM860(G.v. ppepepFri 22/05/09
( -86|-43 )05 risorgo858(+2)(G.v. MadCrikyThu 30/07/09
( -153|-14 )11lupo ululà823(G.v. Solid SnakeFri 24/04/09
( -122|-22 )01 ciao alla prox797(G.v. Angelo BiancoSat 08/08/09
( -97|-23 )04 ungrandecapo795(G.v. Scemo_chi_leggeFri 03/07/09
( -186|-224 )20681(+6)(G.v. atzeni fabrizioTue 18/08/09
( -87|-42 )grazie doom29(+2)(settledSun 08/11/09
( -98|-23 )Nuovo villaggio26(+2)(settledSun 08/11/09

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -178|-34 )oggi splende il sol0(c.t. libertycity Wed 25/03/09
( -101|-38 )[11]©0(c.t. killer8 Sat 27/06/09
( -73|-36 )DOOMMATO!!0(c.t. francx Fri 07/08/09
( -186|-226 )[4] DISCO RETURN0(c.t. Max Monello Fri 21/08/09
( -80|-23 )Ghost13b637(c.t. zorro72 Thu 10/09/09
( -78|-26 )DOOM623(c.t. yus Sat 19/09/09
( -73|-23 )Viking helvede534(c.t. Sbruttole Thu 01/10/09

Player statistics