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Dr3amON (

Name: Dr3amON
Rank: 544 (26 raised)
Alliance: ROCK ALT
Villages: 13 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 9,026 (+386)
Registered since: 03/04/10
Playtime: 304 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 13)
Log: (Entries: 13)
03/04/10Village (17|-105) settled.
24/05/10Village (16|-105) settled.
23/06/10(16|-97) conquered by Apocalypss.
13/08/10(11|-95) conquered by greere88.
18/08/10Village (4|-133) settled.
23/09/10(18|-107) conquered by Deffcon.
03/10/10(19|-107) conquered by Deffcon.
19/10/10(19|-108) conquered by Deffcon.
30/10/10(23|-103) conquered by Tomis.
15/11/10(35|-93) conquered by kitana.
29/11/10Village (94|-126) settled.
20/01/11(16|-109) conquered by danut826.
30/01/11(15|-110) conquered by danut826.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  03/04/10 till 14/04/10  (12 Days)
ROCK ALT  15/04/10 till 19/05/10  (35 Days)
ROCK S  20/05/10 till 05/08/10  (78 Days)
ROCK ALT  since 06/08/10  (180 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Dr3amONon ( (2010) (deleted)
Dr3amONon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 17|-105 )Sw33tDr3ams1087(-11)(settledSat 03/04/10
( 35|-93 )DarkDr3ams909(+7)(G.v. kitanaMon 15/11/10
( 18|-107 )NightWish892(G.v. DeffconThu 23/09/10
( 19|-107 )H3ll793(+10)(G.v. DeffconSun 03/10/10
( 16|-109 )Dr3amON787(+13)(G.v. danut826Thu 20/01/11
( 16|-105 )Sw33tNightmar3s786(settledMon 24/05/10
( 11|-95 )Sw33tD3ath725(G.v. greere88Fri 13/08/10
( 16|-97 )D3athDr3ams677(G.v. ApocalypssWed 23/06/10
( 4|-133 )Dr3amS650(+3)(settledWed 18/08/10
( 23|-103 )Hav3n625(+2)(G.v. TomisSat 30/10/10
( 19|-108 )NightDr3ams548(G.v. DeffconTue 19/10/10
( 15|-110 )Dr3amONDr3ams347(-64)(G.v. danut826Sun 30/01/11
( 94|-126 )(. .)200(+15)(settledMon 29/11/10

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