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kanarya535 (

Name: kanarya535
Rank: 175 (2 raised)
Alliance: SON&HUN
Villages: 23
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 17,217 (+237)
Registered since: 07/12/09
Playtime: 299 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 23)
Log: (Entries: 23)
07/12/09Village (-226|-347) settled.
27/12/09Village (-236|-345) settled.
14/01/10Village (-235|-345) settled.
01/02/10Village (-235|-348) settled.
14/02/10Village (-239|-346) settled.
28/02/10Village (-236|-352) settled.
15/03/10Village (-236|-353) settled.
01/04/10Village (-236|-346) settled.
10/04/10(-240|-347) conquered by nopanic (H-N-TRK).
22/04/10Village (-231|-347) settled.
04/05/10Village (-232|-342) settled.
17/05/10(-243|-360) conquered by yaz_gulu (ATAM).
02/06/10(-239|-337) conquered by Blackbird (-SON- 5).
19/06/10(-223|-351) conquered by dli-jojuk.
29/06/10Village (-241|-346) settled.
12/07/10(-268|-350) conquered by gerenimo (redsongs).
14/07/10(-268|-351) conquered by vikingler (redsongs).
28/07/10(-248|-337) conquered by (-SON- 3).
09/08/10(-264|-332) conquered by hakce.
16/08/10(-266|-333) conquered by hakce.
29/08/10(-268|-341) conquered by gerenimo (redsongs).
10/09/10(-265|-342) conquered by vikingler (redsongs).
21/09/10Village (-233|-350) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  07/12/09 till 17/12/09  (11 Days)
bdb  18/12/09 till 19/12/09  (2 Days)
H-N-TRK  20/12/09 till 25/01/10  (37 Days)
(No alliances)  26/01/10 
*F.A.*  27/01/10 till 27/02/10  (32 Days)
HUN@TÜRK  28/02/10 till 06/03/10  (7 Days)
-S*7*N+  07/03/10 till 19/05/10  (74 Days)
HPSTURK1  20/05/10 till 21/05/10  (2 Days)
Mugiwara  22/05/10 till 05/06/10  (15 Days)
SON&HUN  since 06/06/10  (119 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (27 entries)
kanarya535on Sunucu 5 ( (2020) (Villages: 23)
kanarya535on Sunucu 4 ( (2019) (Villages: 21)
kanarya535on Sunucu 2 ( (2018) (Villages: 21)
kanarya535on Sunucu 2 ( (2017) (Villages: 29)
kanarya535on Sunucu 6 ( (2015) (Villages: 22)
kanarya535on Sunucu 1 ( (2015) (Villages: 15)
kanarya535on Sunucu 1 ( (2015) (Villages: 23)
kanarya535on Sunucu 8 ( (2014) (Villages: 24)
kanarya535on Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
kanarya535on Sunucu 1 ( (2014) (Villages: 15)
kanarya535on Sunucu 8 ( (2013) (deleted)
kanarya535on Sunucu 1 ( (2013) (Villages: 18)
kanarya535on Sunucu 10 ( (2012) (deleted)
kanarya535on Sunucu 3 ( (2012) (deleted)
kanarya535on Sunucu 12 ( (2012) (deleted)
kanarya535on Sunucu 6 ( (2012) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2011) (Villages: 23)
kanarya535on Sunucu 1 ( (2011) (Villages: 41)
kanarya535on ( (2009) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2009) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2009) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2009) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2008) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2008) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2008) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2008) (deleted)
kanarya535on ( (2008) (Villages: 21)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -236|-346 )*Sultan Makamı*997(settledThu 01/04/10
( -235|-345 )*Gönülçelen*916(+5)(settledThu 14/01/10
( -226|-347 )*Yüreğine Sor*859(settledMon 07/12/09
( -223|-351 )*Babam Ve Oğlum*858(+5)(G.v. dli-jojukSat 19/06/10
( -248|-337 )*H. Tuba Büyüküstün*848(G.v. b.bbWed 28/07/10
( -243|-360 )*Tuba*847(+3)(G.v. yaz_guluMon 17/05/10
( -239|-337 )*Büyüküstün*843(+6)(G.v. BlackbirdWed 02/06/10
( -264|-332 )*A.Ç. & T.B.*819(+3)(G.v. hakceMon 09/08/10
( -235|-348 )*Ihlamurlar Altında*819(+10)(settledMon 01/02/10
( -236|-352 )*Gülizar*790(+3)(settledSun 28/02/10
( -240|-347 )*Sevdam*788(+3)(G.v. nopanicSat 10/04/10
( -239|-346 )*Çemberimde Gül Oya*780(+6)(settledSun 14/02/10
( -268|-351 )*Yeşilimsi Gözler*773(+3)(G.v. vikinglerWed 14/07/10
( -268|-350 )*doğal güzellik*766(G.v. gerenimoMon 12/07/10
( -232|-342 )*Muhteris Ruhlar*760(+10)(settledTue 04/05/10
( -236|-353 )*Aşk Yolu**758(settledMon 15/03/10
( -241|-346 )*TUB*a*Lİ*736(+3)(settledTue 29/06/10
( -266|-333 )*Nefertari Tuba*723(+3)(G.v. hakceMon 16/08/10
( -268|-341 )*Çiçekçi Kız Hasret*701(+10)(G.v. gerenimoSun 29/08/10
( -231|-347 )*Sınav*677(+3)(settledThu 22/04/10
( -236|-345 )**Asi*626(+78)(settledSun 27/12/09
( -265|-342 )bütün suç fatmagülde431(+45)(G.v. vikinglerFri 10/09/10
( -233|-350 )gece ormanda işin ne102(+38)(settledTue 21/09/10

Player statistics