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Terence Hill (

Name: Terence Hill
Rank: 7 (6 raised)
Alliance: Boats
Villages: 46 (+10)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 39,681 (+8,680)
Registered since: 21/04/24
Playtime: 31 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 52)
Log: (Entries: 52)
21/04/24Village (83|48) settled.
21/04/24Village (0|-19) settled.
21/04/24Village (4|-16) settled.
21/04/24Village (-2|-13) settled.
21/04/24Village (68|42) settled.
21/04/24Village (67|42) settled.
21/04/24Village (66|42) settled.
21/04/24Village (65|42) settled.
21/04/24Village (64|42) settled.
21/04/24Village (68|43) settled.
21/04/24Village (67|43) settled.
21/04/24Village (66|45) settled.
21/04/24Village (65|44) settled.
21/04/24Village (66|44) settled.
21/04/24Village (67|44) settled.
21/04/24Village (64|43) settled.
21/04/24Village (65|43) settled.
21/04/24Village (66|43) settled.
22/04/24(70|59) conquered by TheLuppa (King).
22/04/24(4|-16) destroyed.
24/04/24(94|9) conquered by Apolonia (King).
24/04/24(78|14) conquered by tublibubli (King).
25/04/24(91|18) conquered by Mateooo514 (King).
25/04/24(91|15) conquered by Empyrean (King).
27/04/24(79|30) conquered by R0NiN (King).
27/04/24(87|36) conquered by Whois (King).
27/04/24(102|45) conquered by tublibubli (King).
28/04/24 (102|45) conquered by tublibubli (King).
30/04/24(-53|-19) conquered by HEH.
01/05/24(-55|-18) conquered by Silent Mary (Boats).
02/05/24(96|45) conquered by Stinkender Elch (King).
02/05/24(104|41) conquered by Isemasin (King).
04/05/24(11|9) conquered by Spartakas (FTW).
04/05/24(9|10) conquered by Spartakas (FTW).
04/05/24(8|40) conquered by Spartakas (FTW).
06/05/24(-30|26) conquered by TheLuppa (King).
06/05/24(-35|23) conquered by reis_27 (King).
09/05/24(-74|33) conquered by Scipio (KKS).
14/05/24(62|85) conquered by bufaisal (King).
14/05/24(68|88) conquered by Marian Costin (King).
17/05/24(80|74) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
17/05/24(86|75) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
17/05/24(84|75) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
17/05/24(80|75) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
17/05/24(79|75) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
17/05/24(80|77) conquered by KHAL DROGO (King).
19/05/24(60|69) conquered by gudi6666 (T.S.K).
20/05/24(59|69) conquered by gudi6666 (T.S.K).
20/05/24(61|69) conquered by gudi6666 (T.S.K).
20/05/24(63|69) conquered by gudi6666 (T.S.K).
20/05/24(68|69) conquered by gudi6666 (T.S.K).
20/05/24(-74|33) destroyed.
Alliance history:
Boats  since 21/04/24  (32 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (11 entries)
TERENCE HILLon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Terence Hillon Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 24)
Terence Hillon Server 9 ( (2024) (deleted)
Terence Hillon ( (2023) (deleted)
Terence Hillon Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 2)
Terence Hillon Server 1 ( (2023) (deleted)
Terence Hillon Server 8 ( (2023) (deleted)
Terence Hillon Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 4)
Terence Hillon Server 7 ( (2023) (deleted)
Terence Hillon Server 4 ( (2022) (deleted)
terence hillon ( (2021) (Villages: 34)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)KingdomSettled/
( 66|43 ) 00 Nobody1235(+9)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 65|42 )03 Speck1043(+24)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 65|44 )04 Bohnen1042(+25)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 0|-19 )14 Kutter1022(+24)Ravenna(settledSun 21/04/24
( 70|59 )17 Fregatte999(+71)Bastarnae(G.v. TheLuppaMon 22/04/24
( -2|-13 )16 Kanu987(+38)Ravenna(settledSun 21/04/24
( 91|15 )20 Nussschale986(+67)Berzobis(G.v. EmpyreanThu 25/04/24
( 67|44 )05 Zwiebeln980(+41)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( -53|-19 )24 Langboot971(+11)Massalia(G.v. HEHTue 30/04/24
( 96|45 )26 Frachtschiff969(+32)Gherla(G.v. Stinkender ElchThu 02/05/24
( 79|30 )22 Torpedoboot963(+45)Gherla(G.v. R0NiNSat 27/04/24
( 64|43 )10 Kartoffeln963(+29)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 64|42 )13 Mais954(+54)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 94|9 )19 Gummiboot953(+43)Berzobis(G.v. ApoloniaWed 24/04/24
( 66|45 )11 Karotten947(+43)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 68|42 )12 Erbsen938(+45)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 83|48 )15 U-Boot935(+66)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 78|14 )18 Jolle932(+21)Berzobis(G.v. tublibubliWed 24/04/24
( 91|18 )21 Korvette925(+27)Berzobis(G.v. Mateooo514Thu 25/04/24
( 67|42 )07 Würstchen921(+47)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 66|44 )06 Bier907(+15)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 67|43 )09 Wein886(+9)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( -55|-18 )25 Hanseschiff879(+79)Massalia(G.v. Silent MaryWed 01/05/24
( 68|43 )08 Äpfel862(+34)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 66|42 )01 Kaffee861(+9)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 65|43 )02 Whiskey860(+8)Bastarnae(settledSun 21/04/24
( 104|41 )27 Lotsenboot857(+92)Gherla(G.v. IsemasinThu 02/05/24
( 87|36 )23 Ruderboot850(+64)Gherla(G.v. WhoisSat 27/04/24
( -30|26 )32 Greifenseeschiff821(+70)Argentorate(G.v. TheLuppaMon 06/05/24
( 9|10 )30 Faltboot807(+61)Aquileia(G.v. SpartakasSat 04/05/24
( 79|75 )36 Katamaran804(-61)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24
( 11|9 )29 Optimist790(+99)Aquileia(G.v. SpartakasSat 04/05/24
( 80|74 )38 Poa786(-40)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24
( 60|69 )42 Floss761(-65)Vandali(G.v. gudi6666Sun 19/05/24
( 86|75 )37 Trimaran758(-82)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24
( 63|69 )43 Einbaum756(-86)Vandali(G.v. gudi6666Mon 20/05/24
( 8|40 )28 Kajak745(+72)Aquileia(G.v. SpartakasSat 04/05/24
( -35|23 )31 Züriseeschiff744(+102)Argentorate(G.v. reis_27Mon 06/05/24
( 80|75 )39 Kajüttenboot737(-39)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24
( 84|75 )40 Drachenschiff731(-79)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24
( 68|88 )34 Seedrohne722(+107)Vandali(G.v. Marian CostinTue 14/05/24
( 61|69 )44 Baumstamm695(-229)Vandali(G.v. gudi6666Mon 20/05/24
( 59|69 )46 Pedalo680(-281)Vandali(G.v. gudi6666Mon 20/05/24
( 68|69 )45 Kanalboot621(+36)Vandali(G.v. gudi6666Mon 20/05/24
( 62|85 )35 Raddampfer554(+116)Vandali(G.v. bufaisalTue 14/05/24
( 80|77 )41 Grosssegler542(-28)Vandali(G.v. KHAL DROGOFri 17/05/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 4|-16 )17 Schlauchboot297 (destroyed Mon 22/04/24
( 102|45 )New village519(c.t. tublibubli Sun 28/04/24
( -74|33 )33 Kanalboot900 (destroyed Mon 20/05/24

Player statistics