Statistics and tools
for the game Travian
Alliance LAC-[OK] on
| Player | From? | Conquests | Villages | Population | (+/-) | Joined |
 | Kopenh | | - | | 8 | (0) | 3,426 | (0) | 21/11/09 |
 | rah | | - | | 3 | (0) | 923 | (0) | 24/11/09 |
 | Captain Jack | | - | | 1 | (0) | 556 | (0) | 05/01/10 |
 | blink-182 | | - | | 1 | (0) | 551 | (0) | 14/01/10 |
 | pant5 m4n | | - | | 1 | (0) | 259 | (0) | 20/11/09 |
Former members:
| Player | Alliance | Villages | Population | (+/-) | Left |
 | m&j | QCB | 36 | (0) | 29,207 | (+4) | 13/12/09 |
 | j0shiebaby | | deleted | 05/02/10 |
 | th3d0ct0r | | deleted | 23/01/10 |
 | Hagar The Orrid | | deleted | 05/02/10 |
 | LoOnBoY | BIA3-HEX | 6 | (0) | 2,516 | (+4) | 05/02/10 |
 | Goblin | | deleted | 22/11/09 |
 | Heather | | deleted | 03/12/09 |
 | nomadruler | | deleted | 15/12/09 |
 | draco | | deleted | 07/12/09 |
 | hourus | QCB | 34 | (0) | 27,413 | (+4) | 13/12/09 |
 | Raiserxi | | deleted | 20/12/09 |
 | przemo95PL | | deleted | 26/12/09 |
 | fiesto | | deleted | 03/12/09 |
 | crunch | QCB | 28 | (0) | 21,265 | (+3) | 15/12/09 |
 | Robert1000 | | deleted | 24/12/09 |
 | Crannie | | deleted | 11/12/09 |
 | Atomic | RSR | 15 | (0) | 7,424 | (0) | 29/11/09 |
 | Travianer | | deleted | 24/11/09 |
 | LAW | | deleted | 24/11/09 |
 | gauler | | deleted | 11/12/09 |
 | Robbwfc85 | | deleted | 23/11/09 |
 | Chris Talbot | | deleted | 15/01/10 |
 | Boudica | | deleted | 03/12/09 |
 | allesklar | COX | 7 | (0) | 5,086 | (0) | 02/12/09 |
 | keturah | | deleted | 04/01/10 |
 | Master | | deleted | 17/01/10 |
 | jester | | deleted | 15/12/09 |
 | ssjStark | | deleted | 26/01/10 |
 | Xionous | | 6 | (0) | 1,301 | (0) | 26/12/09 |
 | big bob | | deleted | 29/11/09 |
 | Jacky.boy | SGC | 6 | (0) | 1,276 | (0) | 29/11/09 |
 | zarena | | deleted | 05/02/10 |
 | splat | | deleted | 09/01/10 |
 | carlsberg | | deleted | 14/12/09 |
 | Farming | | deleted | 29/11/09 |
 | Yik3r | BIA3-HEX | 5 | (0) | 2,032 | (0) | 11/02/10 |
 | pp1 | | deleted | 03/12/09 |
 | Sqizzel | WarCity | 22 | (0) | 17,827 | (+12) | 03/01/10 |
 | Toitle | | 2 | (0) | 678 | (0) | 26/12/09 |
 | pablo26s3x | | deleted | 31/12/09 |
 | larateise | | deleted | 08/02/10 |
 | howard moon | | deleted | 07/02/10 |
 | xyz | | deleted | 29/01/10 |
 | xayon | | 1 | (0) | 358 | (0) | 10/01/10 |
 | scorge | BIA3-HEX | 6 | (0) | 2,586 | (0) | 10/02/10 |
 | Rob_Sylar | | deleted | 14/02/10 |
 | mickey mouse | | deleted | 23/01/10 |
 | Henkus | | deleted | 13/03/10 |
 | JaReD | | 1 | (0) | 408 | (0) | 27/01/10 |
 | Black Wolf | | deleted | 25/01/10 |
 | kimy | | deleted | 25/01/10 |
 | Kortito | | deleted | 15/01/10 |
 | Infectious | | deleted | 18/01/10 |
 | Sasafrass | | deleted | 05/02/10 |
 | The Muffin Man | Hives | 8 | (0) | 4,234 | (0) | 26/01/10 |
 | th3d0ct0r | | deleted | 25/01/10 |
 | nickj | | deleted | 29/01/10 |
 | th3d0ct0r | | deleted | 05/02/10 |
 | Gh05tm4n | | deleted | 05/02/10 |