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tosun27 (

*deleted* (29/09/10)
Registered since: 03/05/10
Deletion: 29/09/10
Playtime: 149 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 36)
Log: (Entries: 36)
03/05/10Village (46|-97) settled.
17/05/10Village (71|-109) settled.
18/05/10(71|-109) destroyed.
22/05/10Village (169|-232) settled.
28/05/10Village (170|-227) settled.
03/06/10Village (169|-230) settled.
08/06/10Village (168|-227) settled.
14/06/10Village (169|-227) settled.
17/06/10(46|-97) destroyed.
23/06/10Village (168|-228) settled.
01/07/10(168|-235) conquered by thehydr (KASIRGA).
03/07/10(176|-221) conquered by xxumut58xx (PS2KOPAT).
15/07/10(156|-228) conquered by remzi159 (+SON-).
21/07/10(195|-227) conquered by gökçe (PSKOPAT1).
23/07/10(168|-230) conquered by gali.
29/07/10(148|-234) conquered by By_DeLi-SivasLi (TürKs-1).
30/07/10(175|-246) conquered by isoder (Bluemoon).
01/08/10(154|-166) conquered by EN RAHATSIZ (KIŞLA-RH).
06/08/10(200|-178) conquered by zaman_kral.
16/08/10Village (210|-197) settled.
22/08/10(169|-230) destroyed.
22/08/10(148|-234) destroyed.
26/08/10 (169|-227) conquered by yaka (ASYACAN).
26/08/10 (195|-227) conquered by FizZy (PSKOPAT1).
26/08/10 (168|-228) conquered by point33 (ASYACAN).
27/08/10 (176|-221) conquered by uakutsal (PSKOPAT1).
28/08/10 (168|-227) conquered by point33 (ASYACAN).
29/08/10 (175|-246) conquered by Ösleeem (ASYACAN).
29/08/10 (156|-228) conquered by deniz65 (ASYACAN).
02/09/10(170|-227) destroyed.
03/09/10(168|-230) destroyed.
04/09/10 (200|-178) conquered by akinen61 (KIŞ&NEF).
04/09/10(169|-232) destroyed.
05/09/10 (154|-166) conquered by germiyanoğulu (KIŞ&NEF).
09/09/10(210|-197) destroyed.
30/09/10Village (168|-235) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  03/05/10 till 05/05/10  (3 Days)
PskMrjNL  06/05/10 till 08/05/10  (3 Days)
G!Y0T!N2  09/05/10 till 24/05/10  (16 Days)
_KIŞLA_  25/05/10 till 08/06/10  (15 Days)
KIŞLA-W  09/06/10 till 24/06/10  (16 Days)
YENİÇERİ  25/06/10 till 30/06/10  (6 Days)
KSR ÖZEL  01/07/10 till 19/07/10  (19 Days)
KIŞLA  20/07/10 till 26/07/10  (7 Days)
KIŞ&NEF  27/07/10 till 29/08/10  (34 Days)
KASIRGA  30/08/10 till 04/09/10  (6 Days)
(No alliances)  05/09/10 till 29/09/10  (25 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (30 entries)
tosun27on New Years Special ( (2018) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2017) (Villages: 22)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2017) (Villages: 11)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2017) (Villages: 18)
tosun27on RoA x2 ( (2017) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
tosun27on Sunucu 8 ( (2014) (Villages: 1)
tosun27on Sunucu 19 ( (2014) (Villages: 1)
tosun27on Sunucu 7 ( (2014) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2014) (deleted)
TOSUN27on Sunucu 9 ( (2013) (deleted)
Tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2013) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2013) (Villages: 14)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2011) (deleted)
tosun27on Sunucu 3 ( (2011) (deleted)
tosun27on Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2010) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2010) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2010) (Villages: 34)
tosun27on ( (2010) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2010) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2010) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2008) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2008) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2008) (deleted)
tosun27on ( (2008) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 168|-235 )04-(-10)(G.v. thehydrThu 01/07/10

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 71|-109 )tosun10 (destroyed Tue 18/05/10
( 46|-97 )0tosun(ړײ )0 (destroyed Thu 17/06/10
( 169|-230 )(ړײ )938 (destroyed Sun 22/08/10
( 148|-234 )12607 (destroyed Sun 22/08/10
( 169|-227 )05645(c.t. yaka Thu 26/08/10
( 195|-227 )10697(c.t. FizZy Thu 26/08/10
( 168|-228 )06714(c.t. point33 Thu 26/08/10
( 176|-221 )08911(c.t. uakutsal Fri 27/08/10
( 168|-227 )04754(c.t. point33 Sat 28/08/10
( 175|-246 )13590(c.t. Ösleeem Sun 29/08/10
( 156|-228 )09644(c.t. deniz65 Sun 29/08/10
( 170|-227 )0262 (destroyed Thu 02/09/10
( 168|-230 )0386 (destroyed Fri 03/09/10
( 200|-178 )06818(c.t. akinen61 Sat 04/09/10
( 169|-232 )*153 (destroyed Sat 04/09/10
( 154|-166 )05772(c.t. germiyanoğulu Sun 05/09/10
( 210|-197 )0759 (destroyed Thu 09/09/10
( 168|-235 )048 (deleted Thu 30/09/10

Player statistics