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ihtilal60 (

Name: ihtilal60
Rank: 2728 (39 raised)
Alliance: •E™•
Villages: 6
Settled villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 3,260 (+132)
Registered since: 22/05/10
Playtime: 131 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 8)
Log: (Entries: 8)
22/05/10Village (-47|225) settled.
18/06/10Village (-87|82) settled.
20/06/10(-47|225) destroyed.
02/07/10Village (-89|83) settled.
14/07/10Village (-88|83) settled.
05/08/10Village (-87|84) settled.
18/08/10Village (-87|86) settled.
28/08/10Village (-86|83) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  22/05/10 till 24/05/10  (3 Days)
sperman  25/05/10 till 13/06/10  (20 Days)
Değişim.  14/06/10 till 28/06/10  (15 Days)
Reis  29/06/10 till 09/08/10  (42 Days)
••B&E••.  10/08/10 till 24/08/10  (15 Days)
•E•  25/08/10 till 06/09/10  (13 Days)
•E™•  since 07/09/10  (24 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
ihtilal60on Sunucu 8 ( (2011) (deleted)
ihtiLaL60on ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -87|82 )1-İhtiLaL786(+27)(settledFri 18/06/10
( -89|83 )2-İhtiLaL734(+17)(settledFri 02/07/10
( -88|83 )3-İhtiLaL641(+25)(settledWed 14/07/10
( -87|84 )4-İhtiLaL463(+22)(settledThu 05/08/10
( -87|86 )5-ihtiLaL370(+22)(settledWed 18/08/10
( -86|83 )6-ihtiLaL266(+19)(settledSat 28/08/10

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -47|225 )ßLacKTurKo60*0 (destroyed Sun 20/06/10

Player statistics