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Dimmu-Borgir (

*deleted* (28/01/09)
Registered since: 05/11/08
Deletion: 28/01/09
Playtime: 84 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 16)
Log: (Entries: 16)
05/11/08Village (-28|-78) settled.
04/12/08Village (-34|188) settled.
12/12/08Village (-34|187) settled.
22/12/08Village (-35|186) settled.
27/12/08Village (-33|185) settled.
08/01/09Village (-36|195) settled.
12/01/09 (-28|-78) conquered by darkscorpion (Farmers).
15/01/09 (-34|188) conquered by robyone (FarmersS).
17/01/09Village (-14|-164) settled.
19/01/09Village (-134|398) settled.
26/01/09 (-35|186) conquered by frasina (NewTeam3).
27/01/09 (-33|185) conquered by tumyz (FarmersS).
29/01/09Village (-134|398) deleted at player deletion.
29/01/09Village (-36|195) deleted at player deletion.
29/01/09Village (-34|187) deleted at player deletion.
29/01/09Village (-14|-164) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  05/11/08 till 06/11/08  (2 Days)
( *__- )  07/11/08 till 17/11/08  (11 Days)
(No alliances)  18/11/08 till 27/11/08  (10 Days)
x-x-  28/11/08 till 20/12/08  (23 Days)
FarmersS  21/12/08 till 11/01/09  (22 Days)
(No alliances)  12/01/09 
NewTeam4  13/01/09 till 14/01/09  (2 Days)
(No alliances)  15/01/09 till 17/01/09  (3 Days)
NewTeam5  18/01/09 till 24/01/09  (7 Days)
(No alliances)  25/01/09 till 28/01/09  (4 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Dimmu-Borgiron ( (2008) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -36|195 )pisi2164(+7)(settledThu 08/01/09
( -34|187 )Imperian(settledFri 12/12/08
( -14|-164 )Catapulta(settledSat 17/01/09
( -134|398 )Legionar(settledMon 19/01/09

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -28|-78 )Pretorian658(c.t. darkscorpion Mon 12/01/09
( -34|188 )Catapulta607(c.t. robyone Thu 15/01/09
( -35|186 )Senator455(c.t. frasina Mon 26/01/09
( -33|185 )Berbec388(c.t. tumyz Tue 27/01/09
( -134|398 )Legionar93 (deleted Thu 29/01/09
( -36|195 )Erou254 (deleted Thu 29/01/09
( -34|187 )Imperian551 (deleted Thu 29/01/09
( -14|-164 )Catapulta139 (deleted Thu 29/01/09

Player statistics