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Orco (

Name: Orco
Rank: 180 (70 raised)
Kingdom: FaLunGon
Role: Governor
Villages: 8 (+1)
Settled villages:
Population: 9,434 (+1,789)
Registered since: 13/05/17
Playtime: 59 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 8)
Log: (Entries: 8)
13/05/17Village (33|28) settled.
21/05/17Village (53|44) settled.
28/05/17Village (53|42) settled.
03/06/17Village (56|42) settled.
11/06/17Village (35|25) settled.
17/06/17Village (35|23) settled.
28/06/17Village (33|25) settled.
09/07/17Village (34|24) settled.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  13/05/17 
АНАРХИЯ  14/05/17 till 20/05/17  (7 Days)
hapines2  21/05/17 till 11/06/17  (22 Days)
FaLunGon  since 12/06/17  (30 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
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X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 33|28 ) Drac1730(+32)(settledSat 13/05/17
( 53|44 ) Axar1566(+96)(settledSun 21/05/17
( 53|42 ) Far1520(+150)(settledSun 28/05/17
( 56|42 ) Dor1441(+192)(settledSat 03/06/17
( 35|25 ) Mor1293(+172)(settledSun 11/06/17
( 35|23 ) Har1195(+668)(settledSat 17/06/17
( 33|25 )Sar417(+207)(settledWed 28/06/17
( 34|24 )Tar272(+272)(settledSun 09/07/17

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