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orso (

Name: orso
Rank: 170 (9 fallen)
Kingdom: LIHKG
Villages: 11 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 10,223 (+1,746)
Registered since: 11/04/24
Playtime: 31 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 11)
Log: (Entries: 11)
11/04/24Village (-12|-27) settled.
12/04/24Village (-23|-43) settled.
22/04/24(-14|-44) conquered by The Great Laiko (>LM<).
25/04/24(-29|-46) conquered by The Great Laiko (>LM<).
26/04/24(-24|-42) conquered by MALUVIPA (>LM<).
27/04/24(-25|-40) conquered by Alejandria (>LM<).
28/04/24(-27|-43) conquered by ElDeci.
29/04/24(-27|-36) conquered by ElDeci.
03/05/24Village (-34|-47) settled.
05/05/24(-28|-45) conquered by AFA (>LM<).
11/05/24Village (-27|-57) settled.
Alliance history:
LIHKG  11/04/24 till 17/04/24  (7 Days)
LIHKG  since 18/04/24  (25 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (12 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -23|-43 ) 0011827(+38)(settledFri 12/04/24
( -12|-27 ) start1649(+6)(settledThu 11/04/24
( -14|-44 ) 0021382(+41)(G.v. The Great LaikoMon 22/04/24
( -25|-40 ) 0051359(+719)(G.v. AlejandriaSat 27/04/24
( -29|-46 )003809(+32)(G.v. The Great LaikoThu 25/04/24
( -27|-36 )007790(+87)(G.v. ElDeciMon 29/04/24
( -24|-42 )004767(+116)(G.v. MALUVIPAFri 26/04/24
( -27|-43 )006736(+26)(G.v. ElDeciSun 28/04/24
( -34|-47 )008488(+332)(settledFri 03/05/24
( -28|-45 )009340(+273)(G.v. AFASun 05/05/24
( -27|-57 )New village76(+77)(settledSat 11/05/24

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