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HeOo (

Name: HeOo
Rank: 320 (89 raised)
Kingdom: LGBT
Villages: 7 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 7,303 (+2,323)
Registered since: 05/02/25
Playtime: 26 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 7)
Log: (Entries: 7)
05/02/25(6|-15) conquered by Baldwin.
08/02/25Village (7|-15) settled.
12/02/25(10|-3) conquered by angaar.
14/02/25Village (7|-11) settled.
20/02/25(4|-16) conquered by Гидроксоний.
25/02/25Village (6|-17) settled.
03/03/25(3|-13) conquered by Edik (KINGSONS).
Alliance history:
Les'kino  05/02/25 till 12/02/25  (8 Days)
LGBT  since 13/02/25  (19 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
heooon Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 17)
HeOoon COM7 ( (2018) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 6|-15 ) Capital1935(+177)(G.v. BaldwinWed 05/02/25
( 3|-13 ) X1City1366(+13)(G.v. EdikMon 03/03/25
( 10|-3 ) X3CityLeg1173(+36)(G.v. angaarWed 12/02/25
( 7|-15 ) X2CityPret1040(-129)(settledSat 08/02/25
( 7|-11 ) XVilage11009(+508)(settledFri 14/02/25
( 6|-17 )XVilage3397(+398)(settledTue 25/02/25
( 4|-16 )XVillage2383(-32)(G.v. ГидроксонийThu 20/02/25

Player statistics