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killernahualli (

*deleted* (24/05/18)
Registered since: 05/11/17
Deletion: 24/05/18
Playtime: 201 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 12)
Log: (Entries: 12)
05/11/17Village (79|33) settled.
24/11/17Village (78|33) settled.
11/12/17Village (76|31) settled.
25/12/17Village (81|36) settled.
13/01/18Village (77|32) settled.
24/01/18Village (77|39) settled.
07/02/18 (76|31) conquered by Olenna Tyrell (MCDC).
12/02/18 (78|33) conquered by Olenna Tyrell (MCDC).
18/02/18 (81|36) conquered by Olenna Tyrell (MCDC).
02/03/18(77|39) destroyed.
24/05/18 (77|32) conquered by Olenna Tyrell (MCDC).
25/05/18Village (79|33) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  05/11/17 till 10/11/17  (6 Days)
NaVi ®  11/11/17 till 24/11/17  (14 Days)
(No alliances)  25/11/17 
OMD.R™  26/11/17 till 07/01/18  (43 Days)
UR  08/01/18 till 21/02/18  (45 Days)
(No alliances)  22/02/18 till 24/05/18  (93 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Killernahuallion New Years Special ( (2017) (Villages: 13)
KillerNahuallion Servidor 5 ( (2012) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 79|33 )001 Kukulkan(+1)(settledSun 05/11/17

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 76|31 )003 Mixcoac-(c.t. Olenna Tyrell Wed 07/02/18
( 78|33 )002 Quetzacoatl736(c.t. Olenna Tyrell Mon 12/02/18
( 81|36 )004 Xiuhcoatl544(c.t. Olenna Tyrell Sun 18/02/18
( 77|39 )006 Hun Batz3 (destroyed Fri 02/03/18
( 77|32 )005 Tlaloc273(c.t. Olenna Tyrell Thu 24/05/18
( 79|33 )001 Kukulkan734 (deleted Fri 25/05/18

Player statistics