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Maxibon (

Name: Maxibon
Rank: 75 (5 raised)
Alliance: APES
Villages: 21 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 15,680 (+628)
Registered since: 08/12/20
Playtime: 221 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 21)
Log: (Entries: 21)
08/12/20Village (-72|26) settled.
22/12/20Village (-124|54) settled.
04/01/21Village (-125|54) settled.
17/01/21Village (-125|55) settled.
26/01/21Village (-126|58) settled.
07/02/21Village (-128|50) settled.
14/02/21Village (-128|51) settled.
22/02/21Village (-134|55) settled.
10/03/21Village (-135|51) settled.
15/03/21Village (-122|59) settled.
02/04/21(-116|59) conquered by HumAnt.
07/04/21(-119|62) conquered by janfalta (Boz Kurt).
23/04/21Village (-104|98) settled.
26/04/21Village (-105|98) settled.
30/04/21Village (-116|57) settled.
20/05/21(-139|75) conquered by Giovanni (Boz Kurt).
20/05/21Village (-136|56) settled.
28/05/21(-115|71) conquered by HMP.
03/06/21Village (-106|97) settled.
12/06/21(-83|94) conquered by HMP.
13/07/21(-133|41) conquered by Giovanni (Boz Kurt).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  08/12/20 till 17/12/20  (10 Days)
BaiShaLo  18/12/20 till 15/02/21  (60 Days)
APES XX  16/02/21 till 26/02/21  (11 Days)
APES H  27/02/21 till 28/03/21  (30 Days)
APES  since 29/03/21  (111 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (17 entries)
Belisaireon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Maxibonon Speed 3x ( (2020) (Villages: 2)
Maxibonon Server 3 ( (2020) (Villages: 20)
Maxibonon Server 5 ( (2019) (Villages: 17)
Maxibonon Server 3 ( (2018) (deleted)
maxibonon ( (2017) (deleted)
maxibonon Server 5 ( (2017) (deleted)
Maxibonon Server 4 ( (2017) (Villages: 20)
Maxibonon Server 5 ( (2016) (deleted)
Maxibonon Server 8 ( (2014) (deleted)
Maxibonon Server 7 ( (2013) (deleted)
Maxibonon Server 4 ( (2013) (deleted)
maxibonon [] ( (2009) (deleted)
maxibonon [] ( (2009) (deleted)
maxibonon ( (2009) (deleted)
maxibonon ( (2008) (deleted)
maxibonon ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -125|55 )02 Lembang958(+2)(settledSun 17/01/21
( -125|54 )01 Klaten940(settledMon 04/01/21
( -72|26 )15 Tangerang931(+4)(settledTue 08/12/20
( -124|54 )00 Jakarta925(settledTue 22/12/20
( -115|71 )03 Malang874(+8)(G.v. HMPFri 28/05/21
( -128|50 )04 Ngawi851(+2)(settledSun 07/02/21
( -139|75 )10 Tjiagra807(+9)(G.v. GiovanniThu 20/05/21
( -119|62 )09 Palembang759(+12)(G.v. janfaltaWed 07/04/21
( -126|58 )05 Bandung757(+3)(settledTue 26/01/21
( -128|51 )06 Cirebon757(+6)(settledSun 14/02/21
( -135|51 )07 Cilegon757(+10)(settledWed 10/03/21
( -104|98 )16 Den Haag726(+4)(settledFri 23/04/21
( -83|94 )18 Leiden714(+19)(G.v. HMPSat 12/06/21
( -116|59 )08 Pandang711(+7)(G.v. HumAntFri 02/04/21
( -134|55 )11 Semarang709(+9)(settledMon 22/02/21
( -105|98 )17 Delft698(+17)(settledMon 26/04/21
( -122|59 )12 Soerabaja648(+8)(settledMon 15/03/21
( -116|57 )13 Serang599(+16)(settledFri 30/04/21
( -106|97 )19 Rotterdam588(+48)(settledThu 03/06/21
( -136|56 )14 Surakarta537(+10)(settledThu 20/05/21
( -133|41 )Mars village434(-91)(G.v. GiovanniTue 13/07/21

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