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Torrent (

Name: Torrent
Rank: 20 (2 fallen)
Alliance: W|Wonder
Villages: 32
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 23,953 (-296)
Registered since: 24/05/13
Playtime: 274 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 70)
Log: (Entries: 70)
24/05/13Village (66|52) settled.
31/05/13Village (26|130) settled.
09/06/13Village (28|131) settled.
18/06/13Village (15|127) settled.
27/06/13Village (28|130) settled.
05/07/13Village (27|134) settled.
12/07/13Village (26|136) settled.
20/07/13(26|129) conquered by Cheeky Boy (&SGR-HNR).
23/07/13Village (30|120) settled.
27/07/13Village (24|123) settled.
09/08/13(34|133) conquered by petonk.
10/08/13(24|117) conquered by kornjaca (FREE).
15/08/13(24|143) conquered by midinus.
21/08/13(12|122) conquered by aaaaaa (&SGR-HNR).
26/08/13Village (37|128) settled.
05/09/13(14|131) conquered by UIR.
18/09/13(10|125) conquered by partyboy128 (&SGR-HNR).
21/09/13(14|138) conquered by vseth (& SGR-SS).
23/09/13(18|137) conquered by muikku (& SGR-SS).
02/10/13(12|137) conquered by vseth.
07/10/13Village (21|143) settled.
19/10/13Village (22|118) settled.
31/10/13(14|19) conquered by Up Yours (W|Talon).
31/10/13(18|15) conquered by the viking (W|Claw).
06/11/13Village (14|15) settled.
14/11/13Village (15|16) settled.
21/11/13(21|14) conquered by Ulmo.
22/11/13 (66|52) conquered by Mr. Simmer (W|Claw).
22/11/13 (21|14) conquered by Invisible (W|Claw).
23/11/13(145|230) conquered by xvxPsychoxvx (W|Fang).
23/11/13(15|15) conquered by Mobothor (W|Claw).
02/12/13(129|237) conquered by Superimposed (W|Horn).
05/12/13 (145|230) conquered by Grifter (W|Talon).
05/12/13(123|228) conquered by Team Fast (W|Fang).
06/12/13(129|232) conquered by Natars.
09/12/13 (123|228) conquered by Mobothor (W|Claw).
13/12/13(118|235) conquered by Natars.
18/12/13(119|227) conquered by Natars.
23/12/13 (118|235) conquered by Mr. Simmer (W|Claw).
25/12/13(141|189) conquered by Grifter (W|Talon).
27/12/13(118|235) conquered by Mr. Simmer (W|Claw).
28/12/13 (129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
02/01/14(149|236) conquered by AccordFelixu (W|Fang).
03/01/14 (141|189) conquered by Grifter (W|Talon).
04/01/14 (118|235) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
07/01/14(118|237) conquered by Natars.
13/01/14(118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Talon).
26/01/14 (118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
26/01/14(129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
27/01/14(118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
28/01/14 (129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
05/02/14(131|266) conquered by johnnyhaubica (W|Fang).
05/02/14(129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
07/02/14 (118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
07/02/14(142|228) conquered by Superimposed (W|Horn).
08/02/14 (149|236) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
08/02/14(118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
09/02/14 (131|266) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
09/02/14 (129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
10/02/14(131|266) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
11/02/14 (118|235) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
12/02/14(129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
17/02/14 (142|228) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
17/02/14 (129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
18/02/14(118|235) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
18/02/14(142|228) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
19/02/14 (131|266) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
21/02/14 (118|235) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
21/02/14(129|237) conquered by Misty Fjord (W|Talon).
22/02/14(131|266) conquered by Grifter (W|Wonder).
Alliance history:
=W1=  24/05/13 till 29/05/13  (6 Days)
W|Claw  30/05/13 
=W1=  31/05/13 
=W2=  01/06/13 
W|Horn  02/06/13 till 06/06/13  (5 Days)
123456  07/06/13 till 11/06/13  (5 Days)
W|Fang  12/06/13 till 09/01/14  (212 Days)
W|Wonder  since 10/01/14  (44 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (43 entries)
Torrenton Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Torrenton Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 1)
torrenton Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Torrenton ( (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2019) (deleted)
Torrenton New Years Special ( (2018) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2017) (deleted)
Torrenton Server 62 ( (2017) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2017) (deleted)
Torrenton Server 61 ( (2014) (deleted)
torrenton Server 2 ( (2014) (deleted)
torrenton Server 7 ( (2013) (deleted)
torrenton Speed 3x ( (2013) (deleted)
torrenton Server 5 ( (2013) (deleted)
Torrenton Server 4 ( (2013) (deleted)
torrenton Server 6 ( (2013) (deleted)
torrenton Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2012) (deleted)
torrenton Server 4 ( (2012) (deleted)
Torrenton Server 3 [] ( (2012) (deleted)
torrenton Server 8 ( (2012) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2011) (deleted)
torrenton Server 5 ( (2011) (deleted)
torrenton Speed 3x [] ( (2011) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2011) (deleted)
Torrenton Server 9 ( (2011) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2010) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2010) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2010) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2010) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton [] ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
Torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2009) (deleted)
torrenton ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 15|15 )00 Always Wild1116(+66)(G.v. MobothorSat 23/11/13
( 26|130 )02 Wild Country1039(-13)(settledFri 31/05/13
( 18|15 )00 Wild Ponies961(G.v. the vikingThu 31/10/13
( 14|15 )01 Wild Hunt956(settledWed 06/11/13
( 15|16 )01 Wild Alphas956(settledThu 14/11/13
( 14|19 )00 Wild Horses954(-5)(G.v. Up YoursThu 31/10/13
( 28|131 )03 Wild Ones860(settledSun 09/06/13
( 30|120 )09 Wild Cats852(settledTue 23/07/13
( 18|137 )19 Wild muikku ©823(G.v. muikkuMon 23/09/13
( 26|129 )08 Wild & Cheeky ©821(G.v. Cheeky BoySat 20/07/13
( 24|117 )12 Wild kornjaca ©811(G.v. kornjacaSat 10/08/13
( 129|232 )23 Wild Rhinos787(+2)(G.v. NatarsFri 06/12/13
( 119|227 )25 Wild Wild West780(G.v. NatarsWed 18/12/13
( 26|136 )07 Wild Fire773(settledFri 12/07/13
( 142|228 )Do UD what ID?759(-114)(G.v. Misty FjordTue 18/02/14
( 118|237 )24 Wild Kraken752(+17)(G.v. NatarsTue 07/01/14
( 12|122 )14 Wild Borg ©743(G.v. aaaaaaWed 21/08/13
( 14|131 )16 Wild Style ©721(G.v. UIRThu 05/09/13
( 12|137 )20 Wild vseth 2 ©710(G.v. vsethWed 02/10/13
( 24|123 )10 Wild Boar705(settledSat 27/07/13
( 34|133 )11 Wild petonks ©704(G.v. petonkFri 09/08/13
( 10|125 )17 Wild Party ©693(G.v. partyboy128Wed 18/09/13
( 27|134 )06 Wild & Free686(settledFri 05/07/13
( 14|138 )18 Wild vseth ©681(G.v. vsethSat 21/09/13
( 28|130 )05 Wild & Crazy657(settledThu 27/06/13
( 131|266 )28 !W! Large Diet617(-72)(G.v. GrifterSat 22/02/14
( 24|143 )13 Wild midinus ©613(G.v. midinusThu 15/08/13
( 21|143 )21 Wild Bunch552(-51)(settledMon 07/10/13
( 37|128 )15 Wild Bird515(settledMon 26/08/13
( 129|237 )23 WLarge Architect494(-83)(G.v. Misty FjordFri 21/02/14
( 15|127 )04 Wild Kingdom465(-43)(settledTue 18/06/13
( 22|118 )22 Wild Cows397(settledSat 19/10/13

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 66|52 )01 Torrent853(c.t. Mr. Simmer Fri 22/11/13
( 21|14 )CHIEFED by Wild523(c.t. Invisible Fri 22/11/13
( 145|230 )23 Great Storage424(c.t. Grifter Thu 05/12/13
( 123|228 )Unique Trainer347(c.t. Mobothor Mon 09/12/13
( 141|189 )Large Trainer487(c.t. Grifter Fri 03/01/14
( 149|236 )26 Wild UD771(c.t. Grifter Sat 08/02/14
( 118|235 )27 Wild UA768(c.t. Misty Fjord Fri 21/02/14

Player statistics