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Blacklist (

Name: Blacklist
Rank: 25 (3 fallen)
Alliance: SWAT
Villages: 26
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 21,047 (+2,279)
Registered since: 13/11/22
Playtime: 15 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 28)
Log: (Entries: 28)
13/11/22Village (-54|122) settled.
13/11/22Village (-52|114) settled.
13/11/22Village (-54|115) settled.
13/11/22Village (-48|116) settled.
13/11/22Village (-50|116) settled.
13/11/22Village (-56|116) settled.
13/11/22Village (-46|117) settled.
13/11/22Village (-48|117) settled.
13/11/22Village (-57|117) settled.
13/11/22Village (-46|118) settled.
13/11/22Village (-56|120) settled.
13/11/22Village (-50|120) settled.
13/11/22Village (-46|120) settled.
13/11/22Village (-56|119) settled.
13/11/22Village (-46|119) settled.
13/11/22Village (-56|118) settled.
13/11/22Village (-51|118) settled.
14/11/22Village (-45|116) settled.
15/11/22(-56|105) conquered by Heidin.
15/11/22(-44|109) conquered by venganza (TRK).
15/11/22(-43|112) conquered by venganza (TRK).
17/11/22(-54|109) conquered by sono (BDLVN).
17/11/22(-55|108) conquered by sono (BDLVN).
18/11/22Village (-48|89) settled.
19/11/22(-80|104) conquered by SpongeBob.
19/11/22(-48|89) destroyed.
20/11/22(-80|105) conquered by SpongeBob.
20/11/22(-81|103) conquered by SpongeBob.
Alliance history:
SWAT  since 13/11/22  (16 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (19 entries)
BLACKLÄ°STon Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 5)
Blackliston Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2)
BlacKLisTon TR1x3 ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Blackliston Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 6 ( (deleted)
Blackliston Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 5 ( (deleted)
BlackListon Server 4 ( (deleted)
Blackliston Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2)
BLACKLÄ°STon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 8)
Blackliston Server 20 ( (2024) (deleted)
Blackliston Server 100 ( (2023) (deleted)
blackliston Glory of Sparta x3 ( (2022) (deleted)
blackliston Server 8 ( (2021) (deleted)
Blackliston ( (2021) (Villages: 36)
blackliston ( (2020) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -46|119 )0011137(settledSun 13/11/22
( -46|118 )0021043(settledSun 13/11/22
( -48|117 ) 0001023(+52)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -56|105 )018901(+91)(G.v. HeidinTue 15/11/22
( -46|117 )003875(+74)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -43|112 )019 Galia846(+92)(G.v. venganzaTue 15/11/22
( -46|120 )005793(+92)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -56|116 )011791(+71)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -80|104 )023 SpongeBob789(+164)(G.v. SpongeBobSat 19/11/22
( -44|109 )020 Galia789(+141)(G.v. venganzaTue 15/11/22
( -56|119 )009788(+91)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -52|114 )014786(+76)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -55|108 )021 sono784(+113)(G.v. sonoThu 17/11/22
( -45|116 )017782(+94)(settledMon 14/11/22
( -54|122 )007782(+63)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -56|120 )008782(+59)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -57|117 )012782(+68)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -50|120 )004780(+74)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -56|118 )010771(+83)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -51|118 )006770(+63)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -54|115 )013762(+82)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -48|116 )015761(+76)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -54|109 )022 sono740(+147)(G.v. sonoThu 17/11/22
( -81|103 )024 SpongeBob696(+180)(G.v. SpongeBobSun 20/11/22
( -50|116 )016658(+31)(settledSun 13/11/22
( -80|105 )025 SpongeBob636(+202)(G.v. SpongeBobSun 20/11/22

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -48|89 )02368 (destroyed Sat 19/11/22

Player statistics