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BigPig (

Name: BigPig
Rank: 38 (6 fallen)
Alliance: TM
Villages: 30
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 22,956 (-708)
Registered since: 14/09/16
Playtime: 200 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 34)
Log: (Entries: 34)
14/09/16Village (-30|38) settled.
15/09/16Village (-167|32) settled.
15/09/16Village (-163|31) settled.
22/09/16Village (-158|45) settled.
02/10/16Village (-158|47) settled.
19/10/16(-158|49) conquered by prabulgarka (Lords BA).
25/10/16(-173|43) conquered by Tiumbel&Didi (Lords BA).
28/10/16Village (-156|43) settled.
06/11/16(-162|54) conquered by savovp (Lords BA).
15/11/16(-202|-2) conquered by Natars.
15/11/16(-186|-1) conquered by Natars.
26/11/16(-171|-85) conquered by Natars.
27/11/16(-181|-84) conquered by Natars.
06/12/16(-79|98) conquered by Natars.
16/12/16(-203|29) conquered by Kras (Lords BA).
03/01/17(-185|-88) conquered by elsegair (Lords T).
04/01/17(-172|-86) conquered by Natars.
05/01/17(-159|-72) conquered by Natars.
05/01/17(-170|43) conquered by Lobo.
10/01/17(-262|65) conquered by En4eV (BA-R).
13/01/17(-63|-125) conquered by PaglaDasu (Lords BA).
15/02/17(-321|-44) conquered by Lagertha.
15/02/17(-319|-46) conquered by Lagertha.
16/02/17(-321|-45) conquered by Lagertha.
19/02/17(-127|11) conquered by Buldie.
23/02/17(-355|-85) conquered by mikiikanen.
26/02/17(-356|-84) conquered by mikiikanen.
06/03/17 (-79|98) conquered by boovana (Lords A).
08/03/17Village (-173|-86) settled.
09/03/17(-169|-83) conquered by _32_ (Lords BA).
19/03/17(-165|-31) conquered by Bockmist (Murx).
22/03/17Village (389|-342) settled.
27/03/17 (-159|-72) conquered by _32_ (Lords BA).
02/04/17(-152|37) conquered by perla (Lords A).
Alliance history:
TM  since 14/09/16  (201 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (23 entries)
BigPigon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
BigPigon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
bigpigon ( (deleted)
BigPigon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
BigPigon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
bigpigon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
Bigpigon Server 70 ( (2021) (Villages: 10)
bigpigon Server 1 ( (2019) (deleted)
BigPigon New Year Special ( (2019) (Villages: 23)
bigpigon Server 1 ( (2018) (deleted)
bigpigon ( (2018) (deleted)
bigpigon New Years Special ( (2018) (deleted)
bigpigon ( (2014) (Villages: 9)
bigpigon Server 7 ( (2013) (deleted)
BigPigon ( (2013) (deleted)
BigPigon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
bigpigon ( (2010) (deleted)
bigpigon ( (2010) (deleted)
BigPigon ( (2009) (deleted)
BigPigon ( (2009) (deleted)
bigpigon ( (2009) (deleted)
BigPigon ( (2008) (deleted)
BigPigon ( (2008) (Villages: 19)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -30|38 )01 BigPig1133(+2)(settledWed 14/09/16
( -321|-44 )22922(+2)(G.v. LagerthaWed 15/02/17
( -319|-46 )23908(+3)(G.v. LagerthaWed 15/02/17
( -167|32 )03 When Pigs Fly889(+1)(settledThu 15/09/16
( -171|-85 )12 Babe the Pig884(+16)(G.v. NatarsSat 26/11/16
( -202|-2 )11 Ms. Piggy879(+10)(G.v. NatarsTue 15/11/16
( -158|49 )06 Pigs Rule878(+12)(G.v. prabulgarkaWed 19/10/16
( -170|43 )20 Pig867(+24)(G.v. LoboThu 05/01/17
( -162|54 )09 Pig Outpost -865(+3)(G.v. savovpSun 06/11/16
( -185|-88 )16 Bay of Pigs865(+33)(G.v. elsegairTue 03/01/17
( -156|43 )08 Pig Tails861(+2)(settledFri 28/10/16
( -181|-84 )13 Lipstick on a849(+8)(G.v. NatarsSun 27/11/16
( -165|-31 )29845(+25)(G.v. BockmistSun 19/03/17
( -173|43 )07 Ya Basta Pig835(+14)(G.v. Tiumbel&DidiTue 25/10/16
( -186|-1 )10 Pork Chops827(+11)(G.v. NatarsTue 15/11/16
( -172|-86 )17 The Blind Pig -819(+6)(G.v. NatarsWed 04/01/17
( -127|11 )25815(+11)(G.v. BuldieSun 19/02/17
( -158|47 )05 Four Little Pig806(+2)(settledSun 02/10/16
( -163|31 )02 Hog Wild785(+6)(settledThu 15/09/16
( -169|-83 )14 New Bacon780(-62)(G.v. _32_Thu 09/03/17
( -321|-45 )24759(+4)(G.v. LagerthaThu 16/02/17
( -262|65 )19 The Hog753(-90)(G.v. En4eVTue 10/01/17
( -63|-125 )21 Pig We Are -746(+44)(G.v. PaglaDasuFri 13/01/17
( -356|-84 )27713(+24)(G.v. mikiikanenSun 26/02/17
( -203|29 )15 Masters of PIGS692(+10)(G.v. KrasFri 16/12/16
( -355|-85 )26692(+22)(G.v. mikiikanenThu 23/02/17
( -152|37 )18 Capture RUBIN491(-99)(G.v. perlaSun 02/04/17
( -173|-86 )28 Litttle Pig457(+54)(settledWed 08/03/17
( -158|45 )04 Thee Pig208(-868)(settledThu 22/09/16
( 389|-342 )30133(+54)(settledWed 22/03/17

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -79|98 )14 Bacon! -754(c.t. boovana Mon 06/03/17
( -159|-72 )18 Hog Heavan -582(c.t. _32_ Mon 27/03/17

Player statistics