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Duch (

Name: Duch
Rank: 302 (23 raised)
Alliance: ~FOX~
Villages: 13 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 10,107 (+765)
Registered since: 14/02/15
Playtime: 235 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 15)
Log: (Entries: 15)
14/02/15Village (29|67) settled.
04/03/15Village (52|121) settled.
23/03/15Village (49|129) settled.
08/04/15Village (54|117) settled.
23/04/15Village (54|110) settled.
18/05/15Village (45|114) settled.
10/06/15(68|109) conquered by Natars.
03/08/15(52|112) conquered by Natars.
05/08/15(57|107) conquered by Natars.
06/08/15(51|111) conquered by Natars.
09/08/15(49|108) conquered by Pendragon (Camelot).
22/09/15 (49|108) conquered by Pendragon (Camelot).
24/09/15(49|123) conquered by Natars.
25/09/15(56|120) conquered by Natars.
04/10/15(47|116) conquered by Pendragon (Camelot).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  14/02/15 till 18/02/15  (5 Days)
~FOX2~  19/02/15 till 06/06/15  (108 Days)
~FOX~  since 07/06/15  (123 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (19 entries)
Duchon ( (Villages: 4)
Duchon Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Duchon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 7)
DUCHon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
Duchon Server 5 ( (2016) (Villages: 20)
Duchon Server 1 ( (2016) (deleted)
Duchon Speed 3x ( (2016) (Villages: 5)
Duchon RoA ( (2015) (Villages: 5)
Duchon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
Duchon Server 19 ( (2014) (deleted)
Duchon Server 5 ( (2014) (Villages: 22)
Duchon Server 4 ( (2014) (Villages: 28)
Duchon Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
Duchon Speed 3x ( (2013) (deleted)
Duchon Server 5 ( (2013) (Villages: 30)
duchon Server 1 ( (2013) (Villages: 24)
duchon Server 3 ( (2013) (deleted)
duchon Server 2 ( (2012) (Villages: 9)
duchon ( (2010) (Villages: 19)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 29|67 )Krakow1011(+4)(settledSat 14/02/15
( 49|129 )Wroclaw1011(settledMon 23/03/15
( 54|110 )Gdansk995(settledThu 23/04/15
( 54|117 )Poznan961(settledWed 08/04/15
( 52|121 )Warszawa953(+24)(settledWed 04/03/15
( 68|109 )Zarcie 1850(G.v. NatarsWed 10/06/15
( 45|114 )Gdynia (z)842(-86)(settledMon 18/05/15
( 52|112 )Zarcie 2777(+25)(G.v. NatarsMon 03/08/15
( 57|107 )Zarcie 3734(+25)(G.v. NatarsWed 05/08/15
( 47|116 )Zarcie 7682(-14)(G.v. PendragonSun 04/10/15
( 51|111 )Zarcie 4671(+28)(G.v. NatarsThu 06/08/15
( 49|123 )Zarcie 5313(+32)(G.v. NatarsThu 24/09/15
( 56|120 )Zarcie 6307(+31)(G.v. NatarsFri 25/09/15

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 49|108 )Zarcie 5801(c.t. Pendragon Tue 22/09/15

Player statistics