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ptr (

Name: ptr
Rank: 10 (3 raised)
Alliance: Fantasy
Villages: 35 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 32,739 (+1,553)
Registered since: 14/01/15
Playtime: 250 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 35)
Log: (Entries: 35)
14/01/15Village (-59|-1) settled.
27/01/15Village (-12|-136) settled.
09/02/15Village (-14|-133) settled.
19/02/15Village (-17|-134) settled.
27/02/15Village (-8|-137) settled.
06/03/15Village (-2|-142) settled.
14/03/15Village (1|-141) settled.
29/03/15(-16|-140) conquered by mike_cz (KH).
10/04/15(-11|-123) conquered by Nataři.
20/04/15(-5|-145) conquered by Nataři.
02/05/15(-20|-137) conquered by CernyPes.
06/05/15(-12|-131) conquered by sven.
12/05/15(-19|-126) conquered by Nataři.
23/05/15(-9|-119) conquered by Dis.
23/05/15(-15|-121) conquered by Dis.
24/05/15(-13|-120) conquered by Dis.
02/06/15(-22|-119) conquered by ETERNITY.
09/06/15(-6|-125) conquered by Jonik (El Po).
01/07/15(-8|-126) conquered by Nataři.
02/07/15(-24|-136) conquered by Nataři.
13/07/15(-1|-131) conquered by Nicka (-P- LEG).
13/07/15(0|-131) conquered by Nicka (-P- LEG).
14/07/15(5|-136) conquered by Nicka (-P- LEG).
02/08/15(-14|-120) conquered by Nataři.
10/08/15(-23|-130) conquered by Popcorn Player.
10/08/15(-31|-135) conquered by Popcorn Player.
11/08/15(-26|-139) conquered by Popcorn Player.
11/08/15(-22|-132) conquered by Popcorn Player.
15/08/15(-6|-126) conquered by Popcorn Player.
21/08/15(-16|-129) conquered by Popcorn Player.
02/09/15(-13|-148) conquered by Xanda.
03/09/15(-23|-144) conquered by Xanda.
06/09/15(-14|-134) conquered by Xanda.
10/09/15(3|-113) conquered by MONTY z NoE.
15/09/15(1|-113) conquered by MONTY z NoE.
Alliance history:
AliKali  14/01/15 till 19/01/15  (6 Days)
Fantasy  since 20/01/15  (245 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (23 entries)
PTRon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
ptron Server 5 [] ( (2019) (Villages: 24)
ptron Server 1 ( (2018) (Villages: 30)
ptron Server 5 ( (2018) (deleted)
ptron Server 3 ( (2017) (Villages: 27)
ptron Server 1 ( (2015) (Villages: 36)
ptron Server 6 ( (2015) (deleted)
ptron Server 2 ( (2014) (Villages: 22)
ptron Server 5 ( (2013) (deleted)
ptron Server 3 ( (2013) (deleted)
ptron Server 4 ( (2012) (Villages: 34)
ptron Server 2 ( (2012) (deleted)
ptron Server 1 ( (2012) (deleted)
ptron Server 4 ( (2011) (Villages: 32)
ptron Speed 3x ( (2011) (deleted)
ptron Server 2 ( (2011) (deleted)
pťron ( (2010) (deleted)
ptron ( (2010) (deleted)
ptron ( (2010) (Villages: 20)
ptron ( (2010) (deleted)
ptron ( (2009) (Villages: 7)
ptron ( (2009) (Villages: 9)
ptron ( (2009) (Villages: 9)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -12|-136 )Desna1189(+8)(settledTue 27/01/15
( -13|-120 )33333333331116(+26)(G.v. DisSun 24/05/15
( -23|-130 )bbbbbbbbbb1053(+21)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerMon 10/08/15
( -11|-123 )Tat11031(+20)(G.v. NatařiFri 10/04/15
( -1|-131 )3030303031030(+12)(G.v. NickaMon 13/07/15
( 0|-131 )4040404041029(+18)(G.v. NickaMon 13/07/15
( -59|-1 )Korenov1022(+4)(settledWed 14/01/15
( -2|-142 )Pulp friction1022(+35)(settledFri 06/03/15
( -16|-140 )mikeland1004(+20)(G.v. mike_czSun 29/03/15
( -24|-136 )2020202020991(+22)(G.v. NatařiThu 02/07/15
( -12|-131 )svenU3980(+11)(G.v. svenWed 06/05/15
( -22|-119 )1717171717977(+8)(G.v. ETERNITYTue 02/06/15
( -6|-125 )974(+8)(G.v. JonikTue 09/06/15
( -19|-126 )Tat3972(+20)(G.v. NatařiTue 12/05/15
( -8|-126 )1919191919964(+30)(G.v. NatařiWed 01/07/15
( -31|-135 )aaaaaaaaaa963(+28)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerMon 10/08/15
( -20|-137 )Tschockleek959(+31)(G.v. CernyPesSat 02/05/15
( -9|-119 )1111111111958(+19)(G.v. DisSat 23/05/15
( -14|-133 )Noob city955(+14)(settledMon 09/02/15
( -8|-137 )Ferrum954(+12)(settledFri 27/02/15
( -17|-134 )HC954(+12)(settledThu 19/02/15
( 1|-141 )Twins953(+11)(settledSat 14/03/15
( -5|-145 )Tat2939(+30)(G.v. NatařiMon 20/04/15
( 5|-136 )Trio923(+20)(G.v. NickaTue 14/07/15
( 3|-113 )Monty Jack:)897(+59)(G.v. MONTY z NoEThu 10/09/15
( -22|-132 )cccccccccc869(+34)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerTue 11/08/15
( -26|-139 )dddddddddd855(+26)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerTue 11/08/15
( -23|-144 )4sv851(+53)(G.v. XandaThu 03/09/15
( -16|-129 )eeeeeeeeee815(+43)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerFri 21/08/15
( -13|-148 )7s806(+51)(G.v. XandaWed 02/09/15
( -6|-126 )0e0e0e0e0e805(+19)(G.v. Popcorn PlayerSat 15/08/15
( -15|-121 )2222222222800(+21)(G.v. DisSat 23/05/15
( 1|-113 )Monty5722(+7)(G.v. MONTY z NoETue 15/09/15
( -14|-120 )44444444711(+22)(G.v. NatařiSun 02/08/15
( -14|-134 )A2696(+63)(G.v. XandaSun 06/09/15

Player statistics