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IFarmAcisti (

Name: IFarmAcisti
Rank: 62 (7 raised)
Alliance: Dy$topia
Villages: 22 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 16,505 (+712)
Registered since: 19/11/18
Playtime: 235 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 28)
Log: (Entries: 28)
19/11/18Village (-9|31) settled.
25/11/18Village (-10|31) settled.
06/12/18Village (-11|31) settled.
14/12/18Village (-9|32) settled.
21/12/18Village (-12|33) settled.
07/01/19(-6|29) conquered by storm (Bandits).
17/01/19(-7|28) conquered by Puppa (Bandits).
22/01/19(-10|28) conquered by Cip&Ciop (Dystopia).
03/02/19(-14|29) conquered by p1pp0n3 (Bandits).
08/02/19(-9|33) conquered by IlDioDeiRoa (Dystopia).
14/02/19(-7|27) conquered by Puppa (Bandits).
23/02/19Village (-13|33) settled.
04/03/19(-15|30) conquered by Testarossa (Bandits).
12/03/19(-16|29) conquered by Testarossa (69).
21/03/19Village (-10|26) settled.
01/04/19Village (-49|51) settled.
10/04/19Village (-11|28) settled.
23/04/19(-78|71) conquered by Dispotismo (Dystopia).
25/04/19 (-78|71) conquered by Cip&Ciop (Dystopia).
29/04/19Village (-50|52) settled.
08/05/19(-13|34) conquered by Natar.
12/05/19(-78|71) conquered by FlyKraut (Dystopia).
23/05/19 (-78|71) conquered by Alzamondo91 (Dy$topia).
29/05/19(-14|36) conquered by Tovarish (Dy$topia).
29/05/19Village (-19|30) settled.
05/06/19Village (9|32) settled.
09/06/19(9|32) destroyed.
07/07/19(-71|40) conquered by Dispotismo (Dystopia).
Alliance history:
Dy$topia  since 19/11/18  (236 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (6 entries)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -10|31 )01| Xanax1043(-73)(settledSun 25/11/18
( -6|29 )05| Murafarm940(G.v. stormMon 07/01/19
( -9|31 )00| Dystopia914(settledMon 19/11/18
( -11|31 )02| Prozac897(settledThu 06/12/18
( -10|28 )07| Cip&Ciop847(G.v. Cip&CiopTue 22/01/19
( -9|33 )09| MatteNabbo824(G.v. IlDioDeiRoaFri 08/02/19
( -7|28 )06| Tovarish802(G.v. PuppaThu 17/01/19
( -14|36 )18| Outta Nowhere794(G.v. TovarishWed 29/05/19
( -49|51 )M1| Rossa789(settledMon 01/04/19
( -71|40 ).... Frixia785(-95)(G.v. DispotismoSun 07/07/19
( -7|27 )10| Ragna781(G.v. PuppaThu 14/02/19
( -14|29 )08| Pippo760(G.v. p1pp0n3Sun 03/02/19
( -13|34 )16| Bleah760(G.v. NatarWed 08/05/19
( -15|30 )12| Sgoldatina?701(G.v. TestarossaMon 04/03/19
( -16|29 )13| Hat Trick673(G.v. TestarossaTue 12/03/19
( -12|33 )04| Vagisil672(settledFri 21/12/18
( -10|26 )14| La Gang665(settledThu 21/03/19
( -13|33 )11| Valium659(settledSat 23/02/19
( -11|28 )15| Ritirata595(settledWed 10/04/19
( -9|32 )03| Ansiolin585(settledFri 14/12/18
( -19|30 )17| Sfangata571(settledWed 29/05/19
( -50|52 )M2| Verde448(settledMon 29/04/19

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -78|71 )Pelato รจ arte363(c.t. Alzamondo91 Thu 23/05/19
( 9|32 )19| CAMPO ROM248 (destroyed Sun 09/06/19

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