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NightWish (

*deleted* (10/04/13)
Registered since: 02/12/12
Deletion: 10/04/13
Playtime: 129 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 18)
Log: (Entries: 18)
02/12/12Village (-94|-55) settled.
23/12/12Village (-98|-60) settled.
10/01/13Village (-95|-57) settled.
28/01/13Village (-94|-57) settled.
04/03/13(-91|-54) conquered by Natari.
04/03/13Village (-95|-56) settled.
16/03/13(-96|-50) conquered by TheDarkRaven86.
02/04/13(-97|-52) conquered by TheDarkRaven86.
06/04/13Village (-95|-58) settled.
11/04/13Village (-95|-58) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-94|-57) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-95|-57) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-95|-56) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-94|-55) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-91|-54) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-97|-52) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-96|-50) deleted at player deletion.
11/04/13Village (-98|-60) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  02/12/12 till 15/12/12  (14 Days)
BushidoB  16/12/12 till 23/02/13  (70 Days)
BushidoT  24/02/13 till 10/04/13  (46 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (29 entries)
Nightwishon Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 14)
Nightwishon Server 32 [] ( (deleted)
Zhengon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 3)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2017) (Villages: 10)
NightWishon Server 1 ( (2016) (deleted)
Nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
nightwishon Server 2 ( (2016) (deleted)
Nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2016) (Villages: 11)
NightWishon Server 1 ( (2015) (deleted)
NeverGiveUpon Speed 3x ( (2015) (Villages: 6)
NightWishon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2014) (Villages: 15)
NightWishon Server 1 ( (2014) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
nightwishon Server 4 ( (2014) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2013) (Villages: 13)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2013) (Villages: 3)
nightwishon Server 5 ( (2013) (Villages: 16)
Nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2013) (Villages: 2)
nightwishon Server 4 ( (2013) (deleted)
nightwishon Server 3 ( (2012) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2012) (Villages: 13)
NightWishon Server 7 ( (2012) (deleted)
nightwishon Speed 3x ( (2012) (deleted)
NightWishon ( (2012) (deleted)
nightwishon Server 3 ( (2011) (deleted)
Nightwishon Server 6 ( (2011) (deleted)
nightwishon ( (2011) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -91|-54 )DUM.DUM 7387(+75)(G.v. NatariMon 04/03/13
( -94|-55 )2. Sleeping Sun(settledSun 02/12/12
( -98|-60 )3. Over The Hill(settledSun 23/12/12
( -95|-57 )1. Nemo(settledThu 10/01/13
( -94|-57 )4. Elvenpath(settledMon 28/01/13
( -95|-56 )5. Wishmaster(settledMon 04/03/13
( -96|-50 )Basti 4(G.v. TheDarkRaven86Sat 16/03/13
( -97|-52 )8. Phantom of the Op(G.v. TheDarkRaven86Tue 02/04/13
( -95|-58 )9. Come Cover Me(settledSat 06/04/13

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -95|-58 )9. Come Cover Me59 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -94|-57 )4. Elvenpath532 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -95|-57 )1. Nemo1043 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -95|-56 )5. Wishmaster416 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -94|-55 )2. Sleeping Sun893 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -91|-54 )6. The Carpenter486 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -97|-52 )8. Phantom of the Op386 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -96|-50 )7. The Kinslayer694 (deleted Thu 11/04/13
( -98|-60 )3. Over The Hill714 (deleted Thu 11/04/13

Player statistics