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Carnage (

Name: Carnage
Rank: 2 (no change)
Alliance: TIKS
Villages: 35 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 31,139 (+1,793)
Registered since: 19/04/13
Playtime: 248 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 35)
Log: (Entries: 35)
19/04/13Village (-47|-9) settled.
06/05/13Village (-45|-7) settled.
24/05/13Village (-48|-13) settled.
08/06/13Village (-52|-6) settled.
23/06/13(-47|-11) conquered by Naz (ES).
29/06/13(-48|-12) conquered by Naz (ES).
10/07/13Village (-52|-1) settled.
18/07/13(-49|-3) conquered by Sankt Göran (VVV).
27/07/13Village (-50|-4) settled.
01/08/13Village (-55|-4) settled.
14/08/13(-52|-3) conquered by Sankt Göran (VVV).
19/08/13(-45|-27) conquered by Yokii.
20/08/13(-45|-26) conquered by Yokii.
25/08/13(-46|-26) conquered by Yokii.
31/08/13(-46|-27) conquered by Sir Spankalot (PoW).
04/09/13(-52|-29) conquered by Remake.
10/09/13(-45|-22) conquered by Pågen (VVV).
16/09/13Village (-50|2) settled.
25/09/13(-46|-22) conquered by Pågen (VVV).
02/10/13(-44|-32) conquered by AnKa.
12/10/13(-60|-34) conquered by Goll (PoW).
18/10/13(-44|-42) conquered by grisslan (SMÖR).
22/10/13(-48|2) conquered by falomin.
26/10/13(-56|5) conquered by Scrotum.
02/11/13(-40|-34) conquered by Nataren.
06/11/13(25|-16) conquered by Nataren.
10/11/13(-56|-13) conquered by Nataren.
15/11/13(-38|-11) conquered by Nataren.
21/11/13(-46|-20) conquered by Nataren.
25/11/13(-45|-1) conquered by Nataren.
30/11/13(-43|-15) conquered by Nataren.
06/12/13(-57|3) conquered by Nataren.
10/12/13(-52|-20) conquered by Nataren.
15/12/13(57|67) conquered by Nataren.
21/12/13(33|-66) conquered by Nataren.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  19/04/13 
TIKS  since 20/04/13  (248 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (24 entries)
CARNAGEon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
carnageon COMNx3 ( (deleted)
CARNAGEon ( (deleted)
CARNAGEon Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 1)
CARNAGEon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1)
CARNAGEon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
CARNAGEon ( (deleted)
carnageon FR3 ( (deleted)
Carnageon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 4)
Carnageon Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
Carnageon Server 9 [] ( (deleted)
Carnageon ( (deleted)
Carnageon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
carnageon Server 4 ( (2016) (deleted)
Carnageon Server 5 ( (2014) (deleted)
Carnageon Server 5 ( (2013) (deleted)
carnageon Speed 3x ( (2013) (deleted)
Carnageon Server 3 ( (2013) (deleted)
Carnageon Server 2 ( (2012) (deleted)
Carnageon Server 4 ( (2012) (Villages: 30)
Carnageon Server 2 ( (2011) (Villages: 1)
carnageon Server 4 ( (2011) (deleted)
Carnageon ( (2010) (deleted)
Carnageon ( (2010) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -45|-7 )Belith1118(+8)(settledMon 06/05/13
( -45|-22 )Quarkh1006(+16)(G.v. PågenTue 10/09/13
( -52|-29 )Piranha974(+29)(G.v. RemakeWed 04/09/13
( -47|-9 )Apocalypse961(+20)(settledFri 19/04/13
( -48|-13 )Cimeria961(+26)(settledFri 24/05/13
( -47|-11 )Elysium950(+20)(G.v. NazSun 23/06/13
( -52|-3 )Kooth948(+27)(G.v. Sankt GöranWed 14/08/13
( -52|-6 )Dagoth942(+20)(settledSat 08/06/13
( -55|-4 )Jenovha940(+27)(settledThu 01/08/13
( -52|-1 )gulagh937(+40)(settledWed 10/07/13
( -44|-42 )Valencia936(+29)(G.v. grisslanFri 18/10/13
( -46|-26 )Nangiala935(+36)(G.v. YokiiSun 25/08/13
( -45|-26 )magnolia929(+18)(G.v. YokiiTue 20/08/13
( -48|-12 )forsaken929(+39)(G.v. NazSat 29/06/13
( -60|-34 )Utophia928(+45)(G.v. GollSat 12/10/13
( -56|-13 )Arkadia921(+23)(G.v. NatarenSun 10/11/13
( -40|-34 )Ygdrasil921(+48)(G.v. NatarenSat 02/11/13
( -49|-3 )Hel904(+51)(G.v. Sankt GöranThu 18/07/13
( -50|-4 )Ifrith904(+39)(settledSat 27/07/13
( -45|-27 )Lilith894(+28)(G.v. YokiiMon 19/08/13
( -46|-27 )olympus884(+25)(G.v. Sir SpankalotSat 31/08/13
( 57|67 )Harmageddon878(+64)(G.v. NatarenSun 15/12/13
( -38|-11 )Belal859(+48)(G.v. NatarenFri 15/11/13
( -46|-22 )Spartha859(+30)(G.v. PågenWed 25/09/13
( -44|-32 )Troy856(+27)(G.v. AnKaWed 02/10/13
( -48|2 )Wicca846(+43)(G.v. falominTue 22/10/13
( 25|-16 )Zhion845(-108)(G.v. NatarenWed 06/11/13
( -45|-1 )Desticado823(+52)(G.v. NatarenMon 25/11/13
( -43|-15 )Engla815(+65)(G.v. NatarenSat 30/11/13
( -46|-20 )Chaos811(+37)(G.v. NatarenThu 21/11/13
( -56|5 )Xanthia809(+40)(G.v. ScrotumSat 26/10/13
( -50|2 )Ragnarök755(+14)(settledMon 16/09/13
( 33|-66 )Insomnia755(+45)(G.v. NatarenSat 21/12/13
( -57|3 )Fargo748(+51)(G.v. NatarenFri 06/12/13
( -52|-20 )Gommora658(+61)(G.v. NatarenTue 10/12/13

Player statistics