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Attila the Hun (

Name: Attila the Hun
Rank: 377 (no change)
Villages: 2
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 1,316 (0)
Registered since: 01/04/24
Playtime: 192 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 28)
Log: (Entries: 28)
01/04/24Village (-78|-54) settled.
03/04/24Village (-93|-75) settled.
12/04/24Village (-93|-76) settled.
29/04/24(-82|-53) conquered by Tomy17.
01/05/24(-81|-53) conquered by Atm_crilli03.
21/05/24(-79|-48) conquered by ассасин650 (TEAM).
27/05/24Village (-94|-75) settled.
17/06/24(-96|-60) conquered by pedropaddy (PB).
17/06/24(-98|-60) conquered by pedropaddy (PB).
28/06/24Village (-44|6) settled.
10/07/24Village (-56|-48) settled.
20/07/24Village (-105|-68) settled.
30/07/24(-84|-42) conquered by Natars.
13/08/24Village (-94|-76) settled.
24/08/24(-95|-88) conquered by simplynerdy.
24/08/24(-94|-76) destroyed.
08/09/24 (-81|-53) conquered by Pokemon (TGU).
08/09/24 (-93|-76) conquered by Multiverse (TGU).
09/09/24 (-78|-54) conquered by EL-GEO (TGU •).
12/09/24 (-94|-75) conquered by cheetah (TGU •).
12/09/24 (-98|-60) conquered by Pokemon (TGU).
12/09/24 (-82|-53) conquered by Commios62 (TGU •).
16/09/24 (-95|-88) conquered by Horus (TGU).
17/09/24 (-44|6) conquered by Sven (2.01).
17/09/24(-56|-48) destroyed.
17/09/24(-105|-68) destroyed.
18/09/24(-84|-42) destroyed.
20/09/24 (-79|-48) conquered by Barefoot Kid (TGU •).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  01/04/24 till 05/04/24  (5 Days)
TGU •  06/04/24 till 14/09/24  (162 Days)
(No alliances)  since 15/09/24  (26 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (22 entries)
Attila The Hunon Server 30 ( (deleted)
ATTILA THE HUNon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
ATTILA THE HUNon ( (Villages: 3)
Attila the HUNon ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Attila the hunon Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 7)
ATTİLA THE HUNon Server 4 ( (2024) (deleted)
attila the hunon Server 31 ( (2024) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Attila The Hunon Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
Attila the Hunon Server 9 ( (2023) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Server 8 ( (2023) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
Attila the Hunon Server 3 ( (2022) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Glory of Sparta ( (2022) (deleted)
Kasparovon Server 8 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
Attila the Hunon ( (2022) (deleted)
Attila the Hunon Server 10 ( (2021) (deleted)
Attila the hunon Server 8 ( (2021) (deleted)
Attila The Hunon Server 5 ( (2021) (deleted)
Attila The Hunon Server 31 ( (2021) (deleted)
Attila The Hunon ( (2020) (Villages: 4)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -93|-75 ) attila850(settledWed 03/04/24
( -96|-60 )8466(G.v. pedropaddyMon 17/06/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -94|-76 )144 (destroyed Sat 24/08/24
( -81|-53 )5571(c.t. Pokemon Sun 08/09/24
( -93|-76 )2631(c.t. Multiverse Sun 08/09/24
( -78|-54 )7578(c.t. EL-GEO Mon 09/09/24
( -94|-75 )3502(c.t. cheetah Thu 12/09/24
( -98|-60 )9457(c.t. Pokemon Thu 12/09/24
( -82|-53 )4484(c.t. Commios62 Thu 12/09/24
( -95|-88 )14886(c.t. Horus Mon 16/09/24
( -44|6 )10472(c.t. Sven Tue 17/09/24
( -56|-48 )WW Top G299 (destroyed Tue 17/09/24
( -105|-68 )12173 (destroyed Tue 17/09/24
( -84|-42 )13362 (destroyed Wed 18/09/24
( -79|-48 )6501(c.t. Barefoot Kid Fri 20/09/24

Player statistics