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StressliSansar (

Name: StressliSansar
Rank: 10 (5 raised)
Alliance: ANKA
Villages: 37 (+5)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 34,843 (+5,915)
Registered since: 06/04/18
Playtime: 99 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 41)
Log: (Entries: 41)
06/04/18Village (79|-2) settled.
11/04/18Village (193|20) settled.
16/04/18Village (192|19) settled.
19/04/18Village (183|13) settled.
26/04/18Village (187|12) settled.
01/05/18(176|0) conquered by Kaymakam (AHLKSZLR).
03/05/18(182|9) conquered by Natarlar.
03/05/18(183|8) conquered by Natarlar.
06/05/18(173|16) conquered by Natarlar.
09/05/18(165|34) conquered by Natarlar.
12/05/18(167|29) conquered by Natarlar.
16/05/18(200|47) conquered by Natarlar.
17/05/18 (200|47) conquered by hayay.siz (AKINCI²).
20/05/18 (79|-2) conquered by TankerNecLa (YENİÇERİ).
29/05/18(163|16) conquered by SLayer (^ANKA^).
01/06/18(156|25) conquered by Edimov.
03/06/18(173|23) conquered by ewoklc (ANKA@).
04/06/18(165|18) conquered by muratcangm (ANKA@).
05/06/18(192|31) conquered by erdaceylan (ANKA@).
13/06/18(146|20) conquered by pitonzargana (^ANKA^).
19/06/18(134|15) conquered by fethi48 (Nihao).
19/06/18(195|16) conquered by Wansa (ANKA@).
20/06/18(198|17) conquered by Wansa (ANKA@).
21/06/18(136|78) conquered by Best Of Hun (^ANKA^).
21/06/18(134|52) conquered by Celaleddin (LORDS!-).
21/06/18(140|5) conquered by pitonzargana (^ANKA^).
22/06/18(157|47) conquered by TheLight (LORDS!-).
22/06/18(127|53) conquered by Celaleddin (LORDS!-).
23/06/18(121|52) conquered by Celaleddin (LORDS!-).
25/06/18(128|65) conquered by KiNaO.
27/06/18(125|107) conquered by Uğur AĞDAŞ (LORDS A).
29/06/18(124|106) conquered by Uğur AĞDAŞ (LORDS A).
01/07/18(184|91) conquered by DELİFUAT.
02/07/18(139|123) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
04/07/18(137|118) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
06/07/18(134|110) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
08/07/18(103|90) conquered by HUYUK (LORDS A).
10/07/18(85|93) conquered by HUYUK (LORDS A).
11/07/18(144|125) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
13/07/18(151|127) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
14/07/18(146|126) conquered by Lord Angelus (LORDS A).
Alliance history:
1000ATLI  06/04/18 till 12/04/18  (7 Days)
AHLKSZLR  13/04/18 till 25/04/18  (13 Days)
AYYILDZ™  26/04/18 till 28/04/18  (3 Days)
ANKA@  29/04/18 till 22/05/18  (24 Days)
ANKA  since 23/05/18  (53 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
StressliSansaron ( (2018) (Villages: 5)
stresslisansaron Sunucu 4 ( (2018) (deleted)
StressliSansaron Sunucu 8 ( (2014) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 193|20 )Stresslinin 7 lisi1061(+9)(settledWed 11/04/18
( 183|8 )#Drama Ekmektir1033(+40)(G.v. NatarlarThu 03/05/18
( 192|19 )Ufak Stressli1027(+35)(settledMon 16/04/18
( 176|0 )Hak yedim karnım tok1025(+33)(G.v. KaymakamTue 01/05/18
( 167|29 )Scythia No:21016(+33)(G.v. NatarlarSat 12/05/18
( 163|16 )Napo1014(+35)(G.v. SLayerTue 29/05/18
( 134|52 )Celo1012(+44)(G.v. CelaleddinThu 21/06/18
( 173|23 )Ewo1010(+35)(G.v. ewoklcSun 03/06/18
( 165|34 )Scythia No:11004(+35)(G.v. NatarlarWed 09/05/18
( 173|16 )#Tahıl Ekmektir998(+39)(G.v. NatarlarSun 06/05/18
( 182|9 )#Drama Ekmektir 2997(+30)(G.v. NatarlarThu 03/05/18
( 187|12 )Ufaklık 3993(+32)(settledThu 26/04/18
( 192|31 )Erdo989(+34)(G.v. erdaceylanTue 05/06/18
( 183|13 )Ufaklık 2987(+37)(settledThu 19/04/18
( 157|47 )DıLayt968(+43)(G.v. TheLightFri 22/06/18
( 165|18 )Muro959(+36)(G.v. muratcangmMon 04/06/18
( 127|53 )Celo 2955(+55)(G.v. CelaleddinFri 22/06/18
( 137|118 )Anka Obası952(+50)(G.v. Lord AngelusWed 04/07/18
( 146|20 )Eniştenin köyü950(+58)(G.v. pitonzarganaWed 13/06/18
( 156|25 )Edimov940(+30)(G.v. EdimovFri 01/06/18
( 103|90 )Farmcı Huyuk932(-106)(G.v. HUYUKSun 08/07/18
( 136|78 )Best of gg932(+43)(G.v. Best Of HunThu 21/06/18
( 198|17 )WansAnısına 2931(+62)(G.v. WansaWed 20/06/18
( 144|125 )Obalamacalar921(-62)(G.v. Lord AngelusWed 11/07/18
( 125|107 )Venedae Bebesi917(+57)(G.v. Uğur AĞDAŞWed 27/06/18
( 195|16 )WansAnısına916(+55)(G.v. WansaTue 19/06/18
( 151|127 )PınarbaşıBurma Obası902(-70)(G.v. Lord AngelusFri 13/07/18
( 134|15 )Tyras No:1898(+66)(G.v. fethi48Tue 19/06/18
( 128|65 )Celo 4888(+47)(G.v. KiNaOMon 25/06/18
( 139|123 )Tonyali Yanı880(+53)(G.v. Lord AngelusMon 02/07/18
( 85|93 )Whatever bro862(-144)(G.v. HUYUKTue 10/07/18
( 124|106 )Venedae Bebesi 2859(+64)(G.v. Uğur AĞDAŞFri 29/06/18
( 146|126 )The Last Guardian858(-81)(G.v. Lord AngelusSat 14/07/18
( 140|5 )Aponçika856(+58)(G.v. pitonzarganaThu 21/06/18
( 121|52 )Celo 3851(+47)(G.v. CelaleddinSat 23/06/18
( 134|110 )Obacının Obası817(+66)(G.v. Lord AngelusFri 06/07/18
( 184|91 )DeLeeKeegen733(+79)(G.v. DELİFUATSun 01/07/18

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 200|47 )Reislendi!407(c.t. hayay.siz Thu 17/05/18
( 79|-2 )Stresslinin Mezrası725(c.t. TankerNecLa Sun 20/05/18

Player statistics