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Il giardiniere (

Name: Il giardiniere
Rank: 102 (14 fallen)
Alliance: N3URO
Villages: 28 (-1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 21,308 (-727)
Registered since: 23/02/17
Playtime: 145 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 58)
Log: (Entries: 58)
23/02/17Village (98|-34) settled.
23/02/17Village (47|-82) settled.
25/02/17Village (154|-108) settled.
01/03/17Village (54|-82) settled.
09/03/17Village (46|-88) settled.
17/03/17Village (-35|-217) settled.
03/04/17(50|-81) conquered by highlanders (-Z-).
04/04/17(54|-84) conquered by highlanders (-Z-).
05/04/17 (54|-82) conquered by Marcios Santos (N3URO).
05/04/17(53|-80) conquered by highlanders (-Z-).
10/04/17(55|-89) conquered by Mems (-Z-).
12/04/17 (154|-108) conquered by Doppioklick (NEURO).
13/04/17(60|-93) conquered by SCARAMACAI (-Z-).
13/04/17(62|-93) conquered by SCARAMACAI (-Z-).
21/04/17(45|-167) conquered by seso1974 (Vichingh).
23/04/17(46|-167) conquered by seso1974 (Vichingh).
01/05/17(-49|-220) conquered by Merender98 ((Z)).
01/05/17(150|-291) conquered by tomm (WHO).
10/05/17(178|-274) conquered by Ace (WHO).
10/05/17(178|-275) conquered by Ace (WHO).
13/05/17(124|-344) conquered by antoniointondi (WHO).
14/05/17 (124|-344) conquered by Totalcoll (N3URO).
20/05/17(-26|-309) conquered by Leo Magno (IZI).
20/05/17(-27|-309) conquered by Leo Magno (IZI).
21/05/17(-17|-263) conquered by oco (AH.BEH.).
22/05/17 (-17|-263) conquered by Chateaux77 (N3URO).
02/06/17(-9|-295) conquered by Slayer ({Z}).
04/06/17(-36|-304) conquered by Merender98 ({Z}).
05/06/17(-1|-297) conquered by Tabboz ({Z}).
09/06/17(-9|-300) conquered by morkie.
09/06/17(-10|-300) conquered by morkie.
09/06/17(-2|-297) conquered by Tabboz ({Z}).
11/06/17(0|-291) conquered by Tabboz ({Z}).
14/06/17(-24|-286) conquered by Fox ({Z}).
15/06/17 (46|-167) conquered by Svenska (NEURO).
15/06/17(-228|-165) conquered by arasan88.
18/06/17(-8|-302) conquered by Robertino ({Z}).
18/06/17(-254|-139) conquered by Alessandro (T.O.P.E.).
18/06/17(-9|-300) destroyed.
20/06/17(-254|-138) conquered by Alessandro (T.O.P.E.).
21/06/17(39|-325) conquered by Buba ({Z}).
22/06/17 (39|-325) conquered by 72angel ({Z}).
29/06/17(-32|-300) conquered by Thor ({Z}).
30/06/17(-32|-301) conquered by Thor ({Z}).
02/07/17 (-254|-139) conquered by Borderline (T.O.P.E.).
03/07/17(-35|-199) conquered by silverfenryr ({Z}).
04/07/17(-34|-200) conquered by silverfenryr ({Z}).
05/07/17(-39|-198) conquered by Maximum21 ({Z}).
06/07/17(16|-38) conquered by tommylegend ({Z}).
08/07/17 (178|-274) conquered by Gil-Galad (AH.BEH.).
08/07/17 (178|-275) conquered by Gil-Galad (AH.BEH.).
09/07/17 (150|-291) conquered by Gil-Galad (AH.BEH.).
10/07/17 (-254|-138) conquered by Borderline (T.O.P.E.).
10/07/17(7|-78) conquered by jonbonjovi ({Z}).
10/07/17(14|-86) conquered by Antares ({Z}).
11/07/17 (-9|-295) conquered by Sturmvogel ({Z}).
11/07/17 (-10|-300) conquered by Mario333 ({Z}).
17/07/17 (7|-78) conquered by Milan Forever ({Z}).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  23/02/17 till 25/02/17  (3 Days)
N3URO  26/02/17 till 24/05/17  (88 Days)
N3UR0  25/05/17 
[NEURO]  26/05/17 
N3URO  since 27/05/17  (53 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (16 entries)
il giardiniereon ( (2020) (Villages: 17)
il giardiniereon Server 4 ( (2019) (Villages: 10)
il giardiniereon Server 2 ( (2018) (Villages: 30)
Il giardiniereon Server 3 ( (2017) (Villages: 30)
Il giardiniereon RoA ( (2016) (Villages: 18)
il giardiniereon Server 19 ( (2014) (deleted)
Il giardiniereon Server 2 ( (2014) (Villages: 10)
il Giardiniereon Server 3 ( (2014) (deleted)
Il Giardiniereon Server 2 ( (2013) (deleted)
il giardiniereon Server 9 ( (2013) (deleted)
il giardiniereon Speed 3x ( (2012) (Villages: 22)
Il Giardiniereon ( (2012) (deleted)
Il Giardiniereon Server 1 ( (2012) (deleted)
il giardiniereon Server 2 ( (2012) (deleted)
Il giardiniereon ( (2009) (deleted)
Il giardiniereon ( (2009) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 50|-81 )03 Viola1109(G.v. highlandersMon 03/04/17
( -2|-297 )21 Lavanda937(G.v. TabbozFri 09/06/17
( 45|-167 )10 Garofano933(G.v. seso1974Fri 21/04/17
( 47|-82 )00 Ricominciamo919(settledThu 23/02/17
( 60|-93 )02 Rosa897(G.v. SCARAMACAIThu 13/04/17
( 62|-93 )09 Agapantus890(G.v. SCARAMACAIThu 13/04/17
( 55|-89 )08 Tulipano880(G.v. MemsMon 10/04/17
( -39|-198 )31 Ortensia875(G.v. Maximum21Wed 05/07/17
( 53|-80 )06 Iris873(G.v. highlandersWed 05/04/17
( -8|-302 )22 resuscitato840(G.v. RobertinoSun 18/06/17
( -27|-309 )17 Dalia834(G.v. Leo MagnoSat 20/05/17
( 16|-38 )32 Gelso817(G.v. tommylegendThu 06/07/17
( -1|-297 )20 Lilium817(G.v. TabbozMon 05/06/17
( -35|-217 )05 Gerbera799(settledFri 17/03/17
( 46|-88 )04 Margherita769(settledThu 09/03/17
( 14|-86 )PIS 3752(G.v. AntaresMon 10/07/17
( 98|-34 )01 Orchidea751(settledThu 23/02/17
( 54|-84 )07 Narcisi750(G.v. highlandersTue 04/04/17
( -24|-286 )25 Rovi725(G.v. FoxWed 14/06/17
( 0|-291 )24 avete rotto723(G.v. TabbozSun 11/06/17
( -26|-309 )16 Calla703(G.v. Leo MagnoSat 20/05/17
( -49|-220 )12 Sterlizia689(G.v. Merender98Mon 01/05/17
( -32|-300 )28 Grisantemi671(G.v. ThorThu 29/06/17
( -34|-200 )30 Lilla653(G.v. silverfenryrTue 04/07/17
( -35|-199 )11 Gladiolo633(G.v. silverfenryrMon 03/07/17
( -228|-165 )26 ce ne andiamo420(G.v. arasan88Thu 15/06/17
( -32|-301 )29 Fiordalisi331(G.v. ThorFri 30/06/17
( -36|-304 )19 Surfigna318(G.v. Merender98Sun 04/06/17

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 54|-82 )03 Viola418(c.t. Marcios Santos Wed 05/04/17
( 154|-108 )02 Rosa732(c.t. Doppioklick Wed 12/04/17
( 124|-344 )Totalcoll404(c.t. Totalcoll Sun 14/05/17
( -17|-263 )18 Chateaux480(c.t. Chateaux77 Mon 22/05/17
( 46|-167 )11 Gladiolo898(c.t. Svenska Thu 15/06/17
( -9|-300 )22 Crocus100 (destroyed Sun 18/06/17
( 39|-325 )28 Grisantemi452(c.t. 72angel Thu 22/06/17
( -254|-139 )11 Gladiolo847(c.t. Borderline Sun 02/07/17
( 178|-274 )15 Portulacca825(c.t. Gil-Galad Sat 08/07/17
( 178|-275 )14 Azzalea739(c.t. Gil-Galad Sat 08/07/17
( 150|-291 )13 Girasole784(c.t. Gil-Galad Sun 09/07/17
( -254|-138 )27 Ninfea735(c.t. Borderline Mon 10/07/17
( -9|-295 )18 Camelia720(c.t. Sturmvogel Tue 11/07/17
( -10|-300 )23 Shoot out486(c.t. Mario333 Tue 11/07/17
( 7|-78 )No Trepassing-(c.t. Milan Forever Mon 17/07/17

Player statistics