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General (

Name: General
Rank: 356 (60 fallen)
Alliance: Tws
Villages: 4
Settled villages:
Population: 2,052 (+411)
Registered since: 29/08/24
Playtime: 21 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 4)
Log: (Entries: 4)
29/08/24Village (-53|34) settled.
29/08/24Village (-52|33) settled.
04/09/24Village (-56|30) settled.
12/09/24Village (-59|1) settled.
Alliance history:
Tws  since 29/08/24  (22 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (74 entries)
Generalon COM1x3 ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon TR2x3 ( (Villages: 2)
Generalon IT1 ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Generalon ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 8 ( (Villages: 3)
Generalon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 30 ( (deleted)
GeneraLon Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 15)
Generalon Server 7 ( (Villages: 1)
Generalon COM2x3 ( (Villages: 3)
Generalon Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 4)
Generalon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Generalon mayhem2x ( (deleted)
generalon Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 6 ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 5 ( (Villages: 17)
Generalon COM4 ( (deleted)
Generalon ( (deleted)
Generalon ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
GENERALon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
generalon Server 3 ( (Villages: 25)
Generalon COM2 ( (deleted)
Generalon ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 21)
GeNeRaLon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Generalon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 29)
GENERALon Server 31 ( (2024) (deleted)
Generalon Server 9 ( (2024) (deleted)
Generalon Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 28)
GENERALon Server 31 ( (2023) (deleted)
Generalon Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
GENERALon Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 4)
Generalon Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 12)
generalon Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 6)
Generalon Server 9 ( (2023) (Villages: 9)
Generalon Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 36)
GENERALon Server 21 ( (2023) (deleted)
generĂ¡lon Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
GENERALon Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 17)
Generalon ( (2023) (deleted)
GENERALon Server 50 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
generalon Server 30 ( (2022) (deleted)
Generalon Server 100 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 1 ( (2022) (deleted)
Generalon ( (2022) (deleted)
Generalon Server 6 ( (2022) (deleted)
Generalon Server 5 ( (2022) (deleted)
GENERALon Server 31 ( (2022) (deleted)
GeNeRaLon Server 3 ( (2022) (deleted)
Generalon Server 100 ( (2022) (Villages: 3)
Generalon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
Generalon Server 8 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon Server 50 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon ( (2021) (deleted)
GeneRalon Server 6 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon Server 21 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
GENERALon ( (2021) (deleted)
GENERALon Server 3 ( (2021) (Villages: 2)
GENERALon Server 100 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
generalon Server 2 ( (2021) (deleted)
GeneraLon Server 20 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon Server 1 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon Server 30 ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon ( (2021) (deleted)
Generalon ( (2020) (deleted)
GeneraLon ( (2020) (Villages: 1)
Generalon ( (2020) (Villages: 15)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -53|34 ) Sakriyon735(+70)(settledThu 29/08/24
( -52|33 )New Bey604(+58)(settledThu 29/08/24
( -56|30 )Lima504(+131)(settledWed 04/09/24
( -59|1 )Delta209(+152)(settledThu 12/09/24

Player statistics