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Amarox (

Name: Amarox
Rank: 9 (1 fallen)
Alliance: DAMAR
Villages: 18 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 16,150 (+1,020)
Registered since: 22/12/24
Playtime: 79 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 20)
Log: (Entries: 20)
22/12/24Village (35|-44) settled.
22/12/24Village (74|-95) settled.
22/12/24Village (75|-96) settled.
25/12/24Village (132|-193) settled.
31/12/24Village (75|-92) settled.
05/01/25Village (72|-98) settled.
14/01/25Village (74|-100) settled.
19/01/25(73|-90) conquered by Jeuma (VKG).
22/01/25Village (79|-106) settled.
26/01/25(83|-91) conquered by SIWY (RP).
30/01/25(60|-104) conquered by hzrk.
05/02/25(57|-99) conquered by Кумхав (-A-A-).
08/02/25(56|-99) conquered by Кумхав (-A-A-).
11/02/25(65|-100) conquered by MADTURK (HUNS).
19/02/25(78|-114) conquered by Voluson.
22/02/25(80|-114) conquered by Voluson.
01/03/25Village (70|-79) settled.
07/03/25(72|-94) conquered by Natars.
08/03/25(103|-36) conquered by keemo (DA.02).
11/03/25 (103|-36) conquered by ZORO11 (DAMAR).
Alliance history:
DAMAR  since 22/12/24  (80 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (14 entries)
Amaroxon ( (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 2 ( (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 3 ( (Villages: 18)
Amaroxon ( (2024) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 2 ( (2024) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 1 ( (2024) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 9 ( (2023) (deleted)
Amaroxon ( (2023) (deleted)
Amaroxon ( (2022) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 4 ( (2022) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 3 ( (2022) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 7 ( (2021) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 6 ( (2021) (deleted)
Amaroxon Server 5 ( (2021) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 74|-95 )02 Amarox1103(-32)(settledSun 22/12/24
( 72|-98 )05 Amarox1047(+25)(settledSun 05/01/25
( 75|-92 )04 Amarox1003(+2)(settledTue 31/12/24
( 73|-90 )07 Amarox990(G.v. JeumaSun 19/01/25
( 83|-91 )09 Amarox985(G.v. SIWYSun 26/01/25
( 65|-100 )13 Amarox974(+38)(G.v. MADTURKTue 11/02/25
( 57|-99 )11 Amarox961(G.v. КумхавWed 05/02/25
( 35|-44 )01 Amarox944(settledSun 22/12/24
( 60|-104 )10 Amarox940(G.v. hzrkThu 30/01/25
( 132|-193 )03 Amarox936(settledWed 25/12/24
( 74|-100 )06 Amarox924(+25)(settledTue 14/01/25
( 78|-114 )14 Amarox915(+88)(G.v. VolusonWed 19/02/25
( 75|-96 ) 00 Amarox896(+7)(settledSun 22/12/24
( 56|-99 )12 Amarox839(+2)(G.v. КумхавSat 08/02/25
( 80|-114 )15 Amarox787(+69)(G.v. VolusonSat 22/02/25
( 79|-106 )08 Amarox663(settledWed 22/01/25
( 70|-79 )16 Amarox642(+195)(settledSat 01/03/25
( 72|-94 )Amarox chief villa601(+422)(G.v. NatarsFri 07/03/25

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 103|-36 )17 Amarox458(c.t. ZORO11 Tue 11/03/25

Player statistics