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TagTraum (

Name: TagTraum
Rank: 394 (77 fallen)
Alliance: SIN
Villages: 8
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 6,101 (+22)
Registered since: 22/12/24
Playtime: 71 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 8)
Log: (Entries: 8)
22/12/24Village (-48|-81) settled.
22/12/24Village (-82|-102) settled.
23/12/24Village (-80|-103) settled.
02/01/25Village (-75|-102) settled.
10/01/25Village (-82|-103) settled.
19/01/25(-81|-102) conquered by Petran (RENCE).
24/01/25(-69|-97) conquered by Natars.
01/02/25Village (-83|-102) settled.
Alliance history:
SIN.  22/12/24 till 02/02/25  (43 Days)
S I N  03/02/25 till 22/02/25  (20 Days)
SIN  since 23/02/25  (9 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
TagTraumon Server 8 ( (deleted)
TagTraumon ( (2023) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -82|-102 ) 00 Plumpaquatsch1055(+4)(settledSun 22/12/24
( -82|-103 )04 Dark Horizon855(settledFri 10/01/25
( -75|-102 )03 Trickshot798(settledThu 02/01/25
( -69|-97 )06 Glitch742(G.v. NatarsFri 24/01/25
( -48|-81 )01 Lucky Luke730(settledSun 22/12/24
( -80|-103 )02 Deaf Call707(settledMon 23/12/24
( -81|-102 )05 Tinkerbell689(G.v. PetranSun 19/01/25
( -83|-102 )07 Blackout525(+18)(settledSat 01/02/25

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