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Coyote (

Name: Coyote
Rank: 30 (1 fallen)
Alliance: STD
Villages: 31
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 24,013 (+16)
Registered since: 07/05/24
Playtime: 63 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 33)
Log: (Entries: 33)
07/05/24Village (0|-37) settled.
07/05/24Village (80|-45) settled.
07/05/24Village (78|-46) settled.
07/05/24Village (78|-47) settled.
07/05/24Village (81|-47) settled.
07/05/24Village (88|-50) settled.
07/05/24Village (87|-54) settled.
09/05/24Village (78|-44) settled.
10/05/24Village (83|-50) settled.
12/05/24Village (84|-52) settled.
13/05/24Village (78|-50) settled.
14/05/24(78|-51) conquered by pastel de nata (WOLF).
16/05/24(71|-51) conquered by POI.
17/05/24(75|-50) conquered by Joseph (WORLD).
19/05/24(86|-40) conquered by löcsóka (WORLD).
20/05/24Village (89|-40) settled.
22/05/24Village (81|-53) settled.
24/05/24(77|-19) conquered by ALaNYaLI (WORLD).
26/05/24(75|-56) conquered by espirito (DIN).
27/05/24Village (85|-45) settled.
29/05/24(74|-49) conquered by barberousse0093 (WORLD).
30/05/24(75|-43) conquered by tarcin (WORLD).
01/06/24(80|-40) conquered by umut-53 (WORLD).
03/06/24(75|-40) conquered by Hajci (HaNo).
05/06/24(73|-41) conquered by Hajci (HaNo).
08/06/24(76|-40) conquered by Hajci (HaNo).
10/06/24(88|-37) conquered by 1Traktor.
11/06/24Village (75|-48) settled.
13/06/24 (88|-37) conquered by 1Traktor.
14/06/24(88|-37) conquered by 1Traktor.
16/06/24(85|-38) conquered by Jardel82 (WORLD).
19/06/24(72|-47) conquered by honzik81501 (WORLD).
30/06/24(63|-54) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
STD  since 07/05/24  (64 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (16 entries)
Coyoteon Server 50 ( (Villages: 3)
Coyoteon ( (deleted)
Coyoteon ES2x3 ( (Villages: 7)
Coyoteon Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 14)
coyoteon DE2N ( (Villages: 9)
Coyoteon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Coyoteon Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 8)
coyoteon Server 5 ( (deleted)
COYOTEon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Coyoteon Server 2 ( (2024) (Villages: 19)
coyoteon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
coyoteon Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 3)
Coyoteon ( (2023) (deleted)
Coyoteon Glory of Sparta ( (2022) (deleted)
Coyoteon Server 4 ( (2022) (deleted)
Coyoteon ( (2020) (Villages: 1)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 78|-47 )02 Drama1092(settledTue 07/05/24
( 78|-46 ) 01 Limited Edition1010(settledTue 07/05/24
( 81|-47 )03 Lama986(settledTue 07/05/24
( 75|-40 )23 Capua*940(G.v. HajciMon 03/06/24
( 78|-44 )07 Cactus899(settledThu 09/05/24
( 80|-45 )06 Willy889(settledTue 07/05/24
( 83|-50 )08 Trailer875(settledFri 10/05/24
( 78|-50 )10 Speechless865(settledMon 13/05/24
( 73|-41 )24 Alexandria849(G.v. HajciWed 05/06/24
( 77|-19 )17 PSPSPS849(G.v. ALaNYaLIFri 24/05/24
( 84|-52 )09 Acoustic839(settledSun 12/05/24
( 75|-43 )21 Tarcin*819(G.v. tarcinThu 30/05/24
( 75|-50 )13 Two815(G.v. JosephFri 17/05/24
( 80|-40 )22 UmuT-1*799(G.v. umut-53Sat 01/06/24
( 78|-51 )11 Removed777(G.v. pastel de nataTue 14/05/24
( 71|-51 )12 Good775(G.v. POIThu 16/05/24
( 85|-45 )19 ChooChoo766(settledMon 27/05/24
( 75|-56 )18 Espirito763(G.v. espiritoSun 26/05/24
( 74|-49 )20 Babylone763(G.v. barberousse0093Wed 29/05/24
( 88|-50 )05 Clean759(settledTue 07/05/24
( 86|-40 )14 Zero One727(+4)(G.v. löcsókaSun 19/05/24
( 81|-53 )16 Village716(settledWed 22/05/24
( 87|-54 )04 Ding Dong675(settledTue 07/05/24
( 85|-38 )28 Kutloch657(G.v. Jardel82Sun 16/06/24
( 89|-40 )15 Bike640(settledMon 20/05/24
( 76|-40 )25 Konstantinápoly639(G.v. HajciSat 08/06/24
( 75|-48 )27 Roger637(settledTue 11/06/24
( 88|-37 )26 Stan631(G.v. 1TraktorFri 14/06/24
( 0|-37 )00 Dustmutt615(settledTue 07/05/24
( 72|-47 )29 Poruba580(G.v. honzik81501Wed 19/06/24
( 63|-54 )30 Natars367(+12)(G.v. NatarsSun 30/06/24

Player statistics