LOKI | on Server 30 (ts30.x3.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 2 [america.travian.com] (ts2.x1.america.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 6 (ts6.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 2) |
 Loki | on dynasty2x (dynastyx2.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 5) |
Loki | on france.france.travian.com (france.x1.france.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 4 [international.travian.com] (ts4.x1.international.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
LOKI | on Server 2 [arabics.travian.com] (ts2.x1.arabics.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 2 [asia.travian.com] (ts2.x1.asia.travian.com) | (deleted) |
 Loki | on RU1x3 (ru1x3.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 6) |
 LOKI | on COM1N (com1n.kingdoms.com) | (deleted) |
 LOKI | on TEST5x (testx5.kingdoms.com) | (deleted) |
loki | on Server 5 (ts5.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 3) |
 Loki | on CZ1x3 (cz1x3.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 6) |
Loki | on Server 1 [america.travian.com] (ts1.x1.america.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
 Loki | on COM6 (com6.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 2) |
Loki | on Server 30 [arabics.travian.com] (ts30.x3.arabics.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 3 [international.travian.com] (ts3.x1.international.travian.com) | (deleted) |
LOKİ | on nys.america.travian.com (nys.x1.america.travian.com) | (Villages: 3) |
Loki | on nys.arabics.travian.com (nys.x1.arabics.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on nys.europe.travian.com (nys.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on nys.international.travian.com (nys.x5.international.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 4 (ts4.x1.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 32 [international.travian.com] (ts32.x3.international.travian.com) | (Villages: 4) |
LOKI | on Server 8 [america.travian.com] (ts8.x1.america.travian.com) | (deleted) |
 Loki | on COM1 (com1.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 4) |
loki | on cw.international.travian.com (cw.x2.international.travian.com) | (Villages: 23) |
Loki | on Server 20 [asia.travian.com] (ts20.x2.asia.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 3 (ts3.x1.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
 loki | on ES2 (es2.kingdoms.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 8 [asia.travian.com] (ts8.x1.asia.travian.com) | (Villages: 2) |
Loki | on Server 2 [international.travian.com] (ts2.x1.international.travian.com) | (Villages: 4) |
Loki | on Server 2 (ts2.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 26) |
Loki | on Server 8 [arabics.travian.com] (ts8.x1.arabics.travian.com) | (Villages: 2) |
loki | on Server 7 [asia.travian.com] (ts7.x1.asia.travian.com) | (deleted) |
LOKI | on Server 1 [international.travian.com] (ts1.x1.international.travian.com) | (deleted) |
 Loki | on COM3 (com3.kingdoms.com) | (Villages: 4) |
Loki | on Server 1 (ts1.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 23) |
Loki | on Server 6 [america.travian.com] (ts6.x1.america.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 9 [international.travian.com] (ts9.x1.international.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 9 (ts9.x1.europe.travian.com) | (Villages: 22) |
Loki | on tnl.europe.travian.com (tnl.x1.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
LOKİ | on tnl.america.travian.com (tnl.x1.america.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on tnl.arabics.travian.com (tnl.x1.arabics.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 [america.travian.com] (ts5.x1.america.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 30 [asia.travian.com] (ts30.x3.asia.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 8 (ts8.x1.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 [asia.travian.com] (ts5.x1.asia.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 7 [international.travian.com] (ts7.x1.international.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 4 [america.travian.com] (ts4.x1.america.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 3 (ts3.x1.europe.travian.com) | (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 [arabics.travian.com] (ts5.x1.arabics.travian.com) | (Villages: 2) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 30 (ts30.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 7 (ts7.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 6 (ts6.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (Villages: 15) |
Loki | on ttq.europe.travian.com (ttq.x2.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 100 (ts100.x10.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 (ts5.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (Villages: 18) |
LOKI | on Server 4 (ts4.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 20 (ts20.x2.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 2 (ts2.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 50 (ts50.x5.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 1 (ts1.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
loki | on nys.europe.travian.com (nys.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2024) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 100 (ts100.x10.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 30 (ts30.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 3) |
Loki | on Server 6 (ts6.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 (ts5.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
loki | on sow.europe.travian.com (sow.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on sow.europe.travian.com (sow.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 4 (ts4.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 1) |
loki | on Server 2 (ts2.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on ttq.europe.travian.com (ttq.x2.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 13) |
Loki | on Server 30 (ts30.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 42) |
Loki | on Server 100 (ts100.x10.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 9 (ts9.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Glory of Sparta x2 (gos.x2.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
loki | on Server 7 (ts7.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 6 (ts6.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 30 (ts30.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (Villages: 28) |
Loki | on nys.europe.travian.com (nys.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 5 (ts5.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2023) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 50 (ts50.x5.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 4 (ts4.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 3 (ts3.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
loki | on Server 2 (ts2.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 100 (ts100.x10.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 1 (ts1.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Glory of Sparta x3 (gos.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (Villages: 20) |
Loki | on Glory of Sparta (gos.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
loki | on Server 9 (ts9.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 31 (ts31.x3.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (Villages: 1) |
Loki | on Server 8 (ts8.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on Server 7 (ts7.x1.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |
Loki | on ttq.europe.travian.com (ttq.x2.europe.travian.com) | (2022) (deleted) |