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Bills (

Name: Bills
Rank: 191 (16 fallen)
Alliance: ALTAY
Villages: 18
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 14,320 (+43)
Registered since: 03/05/21
Playtime: 73 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 22)
Log: (Entries: 22)
03/05/21Village (11|45) settled.
03/05/21Village (37|36) settled.
04/05/21Village (37|34) settled.
09/05/21(37|35) conquered by Cassihan05 (GALTA).
13/05/21Village (36|36) settled.
19/05/21(44|37) conquered by UwUOwO (KOBRA).
23/05/21(30|39) conquered by Maldini (KOBRA).
26/05/21(36|29) conquered by Blacksea61 (KAYI).
31/05/21(31|33) conquered by rururuberry (Berry).
01/06/21(35|22) conquered by Eskiekin.
02/06/21 (35|22) conquered by nicpa (KOBRA).
03/06/21(33|29) conquered by الشايب.
03/06/21(30|34) conquered by الشايب.
05/06/21(40|36) conquered by Almaxii.
08/06/21(46|34) conquered by pckopate (Efsan).
10/06/21(47|34) conquered by bertalan (KAYI).
11/06/21(35|31) conquered by ImmortalBerry (Berry).
13/06/21(27|36) conquered by kızıl (GALTA).
14/06/21(29|36) conquered by kızıl (GALTA).
16/06/21(25|37) conquered by kızıl (GALTA).
17/06/21 (25|37) conquered by Debora Melo (GALTA).
24/06/21(33|31) conquered by ACABAY (GALTA).
Alliance history:
Locos  03/05/21 till 25/05/21  (23 Days)
GALTA  26/05/21 till 16/06/21  (22 Days)
ALTY©  17/06/21 till 01/07/21  (15 Days)
ALTAY  since 02/07/21  (14 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (11 entries)
Billson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 3)
Billson Server 100 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Billson Server 50 [] ( (deleted)
Billson Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Billson ( (deleted)
Billson ( (2024) (Villages: 16)
Billson Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 1)
Billson ( (2024) (deleted)
Billson Server 30 ( (2023) (deleted)
Billson Server 5 ( (2022) (deleted)
Billson Server 3 ( (2022) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 37|36 )01._Jian_1129(settledMon 03/05/21
( 37|34 )02._Chuletica_982(settledTue 04/05/21
( 36|29 )07._FREZZER_973(G.v. Blacksea61Wed 26/05/21
( 30|39 )06._CONEJO_923(G.v. MaldiniSun 23/05/21
( 44|37 )05._HARLOCK_912(G.v. UwUOwOWed 19/05/21
( 33|31 )17.906(+8)(G.v. ACABAYThu 24/06/21
( 33|29 )09._GOTENKS_879(G.v. الشايبThu 03/06/21
( 37|35 )03._Tintilla_879(+16)(G.v. Cassihan05Sun 09/05/21
( 29|36 )16._VEGETA_855(+2)(G.v. kızılMon 14/06/21
( 40|36 )11._PICORO_830(G.v. AlmaxiiSat 05/06/21
( 27|36 )15._CASSİHAN05_806(+2)(G.v. kızılSun 13/06/21
( 36|36 )04._Cascada_799(settledThu 13/05/21
( 31|33 )08._ZAMASU_760(G.v. rururuberryMon 31/05/21
( 30|34 )10._DRACARYS_657(G.v. الشايبThu 03/06/21
( 35|31 )14._MILK_643(+6)(G.v. ImmortalBerryFri 11/06/21
( 46|34 )12._TRUNKS_606(G.v. pckopateTue 08/06/21
( 11|45 )00._Kikin_469(+5)(settledMon 03/05/21
( 47|34 )13._DEBORA MELO_312(+4)(G.v. bertalanThu 10/06/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 35|22 )09._GOTENKS_545(c.t. nicpa Wed 02/06/21
( 25|37 )kızıl 11840(c.t. Debora Melo Thu 17/06/21

Player statistics