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Rank: 14 (1 fallen)
Alliance: FIGHT-БГ
Villages: 31 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 26,426 (+839)
Registered since: 13/01/18
Playtime: 226 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 37)
Log: (Entries: 37)
13/01/18Village (74|59) settled.
26/01/18Village (81|80) settled.
11/02/18Village (80|79) settled.
19/02/18Village (80|81) settled.
28/02/18Village (79|79) settled.
09/03/18Village (79|78) settled.
19/03/18Village (82|80) settled.
28/03/18Village (80|82) settled.
05/04/18Village (80|77) settled.
14/04/18Village (80|78) settled.
26/04/18(79|72) conquered by Beltox (RS-DARK).
01/05/18(81|84) conquered by KING Z (RS-DARK).
08/05/18(83|86) conquered by milicina.mama (one).
11/05/18(84|84) conquered by KING Z (RS-DARK).
19/05/18(84|87) conquered by milicina.mama (RS-DARK).
21/05/18(74|75) conquered by Beltox (RS-DARK).
22/05/18 (74|75) conquered by Jesica (FIGHT R).
31/05/18(58|88) conquered by GenevaFly (RS-DARK).
01/06/18 (58|88) conquered by GenevaFly (RS-DARK).
03/06/18(61|60) conquered by LordDeath.
04/06/18(100|72) conquered by milicina.mama (RS-DARK).
11/06/18(79|82) conquered by Natars.
12/06/18(99|97) conquered by bezobraznici (RS-DARK).
17/06/18(94|99) conquered by AWGUST (LEGION).
20/06/18(55|78) conquered by Dz12 (P M S).
24/06/18(51|78) conquered by Dz12 (P M S).
30/06/18(61|53) conquered by feniks (P M S).
12/07/18(79|93) conquered by Defender.
13/07/18(81|95) conquered by Defender.
14/07/18(69|93) conquered by Skama.
15/07/18 (69|93) conquered by prototype (FIGHT-БГ).
16/07/18(69|94) conquered by Skama.
26/07/18(125|115) conquered by lord_1.
31/07/18(132|117) conquered by lord_1.
15/08/18(190|98) conquered by Senbonzakura.
17/08/18(76|42) conquered by Natars.
21/08/18(192|100) conquered by Senbonzakura.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  13/01/18 till 16/01/18  (4 Days)
FIGHT R  17/01/18 till 30/05/18  (134 Days)
FIGHT-БГ  since 31/05/18  (89 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (59 entries)
Gabrielon ( (Villages: 2)
Gabrielon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 4)
gabrielon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
gabrielon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon TESTNx3 ( (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon TR2 ( (Villages: 7)
Gabrielon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (deleted)
gabrielon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
gabrielon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 8 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Gabrielon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
gabrielon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
gabrielon ( (2021) (Villages: 11)
gabrielon Server 70 ( (2021) (Villages: 21)
gabrielon Server 46 ( (2021) (deleted)
gabrielon Server 43 ( (2021) (Villages: 24)
Gabrielon Server 42 ( (2021) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 40 ( (2021) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 30 ( (2021) (deleted)
gabrielon ( (2021) (Villages: 18)
GaBRieLon Server 97 ( (2020) (Villages: 44)
GABRİELon Server 98 ( (2020) (deleted)
gabrielon Server 90 ( (2020) (deleted)
gabrielon ( (2020) (Villages: 18)
Gabrielon ( (2020) (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 59 ( (2020) (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon Server 58 ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 43 ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 33 ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 31 ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2020) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 48 ( (2020) (deleted)
gabrielon Server 75 ( (2020) (Villages: 12)
gabrielon Server 20 ( (2020) (deleted)
gabrielon Speed 3x ( (2020) (Villages: 1)
gabrielon ( (2019) (Villages: 11)
gabrielon Server 2 ( (2019) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2019) (deleted)
gabrielon ( (2019) (Villages: 18)
Gabrielon ( (2019) (deleted)
gabrielon Speed 3x ( (2019) (deleted)
gabrielon Server 4 ( (2019) (deleted)
Gabrielon Server 20 ( (2019) (Villages: 14)
gabrielon Server 6 ( (2019) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2018) (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon Fire and Sand ( (2018) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2018) (Villages: 1)
Gabrielon Server 4 ( (2018) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2018) (deleted)
Gabrielon ( (2017) (Villages: 17)
Gabrielon Server 62 ( (2017) (Villages: 17)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 82|80 )71090(+8)(settledMon 19/03/18
( 81|80 )21021(-62)(settledFri 26/01/18
( 55|78 )992997(+8)(G.v. Dz12Wed 20/06/18
( 61|53 )994970(+14)(G.v. feniksSat 30/06/18
( 80|79 )3967(+7)(settledSun 11/02/18
( 51|78 )993937(+12)(G.v. Dz12Sun 24/06/18
( 79|93 )995924(+12)(G.v. DefenderThu 12/07/18
( 83|86 )93914(+6)(G.v. milicina.mamaTue 08/05/18
( 79|72 )Talandara909(+12)(G.v. BeltoxThu 26/04/18
( 84|87 )95904(+6)(G.v. milicina.mamaSat 19/05/18
( 100|72 )97902(+12)(G.v. milicina.mamaMon 04/06/18
( 81|84 )92890(+6)(G.v. KING ZTue 01/05/18
( 69|94 )997882(+16)(G.v. SkamaMon 16/07/18
( 99|97 )99879(+5)(G.v. bezobrazniciTue 12/06/18
( 74|59 )TERVEL873(+4)(settledSat 13/01/18
( 80|81 )4852(+6)(settledMon 19/02/18
( 81|95 )996840(+13)(G.v. DefenderFri 13/07/18
( 79|78 )6840(+6)(settledFri 09/03/18
( 84|84 )94837(+6)(G.v. KING ZFri 11/05/18
( 79|79 )5828(+5)(settledWed 28/02/18
( 61|60 )96824(+6)(G.v. LordDeathSun 03/06/18
( 80|77 )9824(+6)(settledThu 05/04/18
( 125|115 )998792(+23)(G.v. lord_1Thu 26/07/18
( 94|99 )991783(+12)(G.v. AWGUSTSun 17/06/18
( 80|78 )91782(+6)(settledSat 14/04/18
( 190|98 )9991775(+29)(G.v. SenbonzakuraWed 15/08/18
( 80|82 )8767(+4)(settledWed 28/03/18
( 132|117 )999725(+24)(G.v. lord_1Tue 31/07/18
( 79|82 )98718(+8)(G.v. NatarsMon 11/06/18
( 76|42 )9992600(+39)(G.v. NatarsFri 17/08/18
( 192|100 )9993580(-39)(G.v. SenbonzakuraTue 21/08/18

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 74|75 )Holy land480(c.t. Jesica Tue 22/05/18
( 58|88 )96756(c.t. GenevaFly Fri 01/06/18
( 69|93 )997784(c.t. prototype Sun 15/07/18

Player statistics