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fanta (

Name: fanta
Rank: 175 (80 fallen)
Alliance: SFRJ
Villages: 23 (+5)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 14,083 (-551)
Registered since: 13/01/25
Playtime: 49 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 33)
Log: (Entries: 33)
13/01/25Village (34|-56) settled.
13/01/25Village (63|-181) settled.
18/01/25Village (63|-182) settled.
19/01/25Village (65|-180) settled.
21/01/25Village (66|-180) settled.
23/01/25Village (68|-184) settled.
26/01/25Village (61|-177) settled.
29/01/25Village (64|-176) settled.
04/02/25(44|-185) conquered by DarbeliMatkap.
05/02/25(95|-185) conquered by sgm (TUĞR2).
06/02/25(96|-185) conquered by sgm (TUĞR2).
08/02/25(94|-186) conquered by sgm.
11/02/25(94|-185) conquered by sgm.
13/02/25 (94|-186) conquered by Hakari Kinji (NEX).
13/02/25 (96|-185) conquered by Hoshi Kirara (NEX).
13/02/25(74|-192) conquered by VaHŞi KeLeBeK (GZP).
13/02/25Village (61|-181) settled.
14/02/25(57|-195) conquered by Radek82 (FTT).
14/02/25(56|-196) conquered by Radek82 (FTT).
15/02/25 (94|-185) conquered by Hoshi Kirara (NEX).
15/02/25 (95|-185) conquered by Hakari Kinji (NEX).
15/02/25(63|-168) conquered by terabithia (FTT).
16/02/25(46|-182) conquered by PROHIBITED LAW (TUĞRA).
16/02/25(54|-189) conquered by PROHIBITED LAW (TUĞRA).
17/02/25(42|-172) conquered by PROHIBITED LAW (TUĞRA).
18/02/25(83|-159) conquered by PROHIBITED LAW (TUĞRA).
25/02/25 (63|-182) conquered by Hakari Kinji (NEX).
02/03/25Village (33|-171) settled.
02/03/25Village (39|-181) settled.
03/03/25Village (40|-167) settled.
03/03/25Village (44|-169) settled.
03/03/25Village (40|-170) settled.
03/03/25Village (41|-172) settled.
Alliance history:
Lqtr  13/01/25 till 24/01/25  (12 Days)
SFRJ  since 25/01/25  (38 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (25 entries)
Fantaon DENx3 ( (Villages: 1)
fantaon Server 32 [] ( (Villages: 32)
Fantaon Server 2 ( (deleted)
Fantaon Server 1 ( (deleted)
fantaon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
fantaon Server 7 ( (2024) (deleted)
fantaon Server 6 ( (2024) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 4 ( (2024) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 31 ( (2024) (deleted)
Fantaon ( (2024) (deleted)
fantaon Server 4 ( (2023) (deleted)
fantaon ( (2023) (deleted)
fantaon Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 30 ( (2023) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 11)
Fantaon Glory of Sparta x3 ( (2022) (deleted)
fantaon Server 30 ( (2022) (Villages: 2)
Fantaon Server 2 ( (2022) (deleted)
FAnTAon ( (2022) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 31 ( (2022) (deleted)
Fantaon ( (2021) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 6 ( (2021) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 100 ( (2021) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 2 ( (2021) (deleted)
Fantaon Server 30 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 65|-180 )fanta 04956(settledSun 19/01/25
( 34|-56 )fanta952(settledMon 13/01/25
( 66|-180 )fanta 05949(settledTue 21/01/25
( 68|-184 )fanta 06938(settledThu 23/01/25
( 54|-189 )fanta 15928(+13)(G.v. PROHIBITED LAWSun 16/02/25
( 42|-172 )fanta 17909(+35)(G.v. PROHIBITED LAWMon 17/02/25
( 83|-159 )fanta 18902(+12)(G.v. PROHIBITED LAWTue 18/02/25
( 63|-181 ) fanta 02862(-164)(settledMon 13/01/25
( 44|-185 )fanta 09854(+3)(G.v. DarbeliMatkapTue 04/02/25
( 64|-176 )fanta 08840(-24)(settledWed 29/01/25
( 56|-196 )fanta 13814(-42)(G.v. Radek82Fri 14/02/25
( 57|-195 )fanta 12769(+23)(G.v. Radek82Fri 14/02/25
( 46|-182 )fanta 16767(+27)(G.v. PROHIBITED LAWSun 16/02/25
( 61|-177 )fanta 07730(settledSun 26/01/25
( 63|-168 )fanta 14601(+18)(G.v. terabithiaSat 15/02/25
( 74|-192 )fanta 11368(-282)(G.v. VaHŞi KeLeBeKThu 13/02/25
( 61|-181 )fanta 10290(+39)(settledThu 13/02/25
( 40|-167 )Új falu123(+124)(settledMon 03/03/25
( 44|-169 )Új falu123(+124)(settledMon 03/03/25
( 40|-170 )Új falu123(+124)(settledMon 03/03/25
( 39|-181 )Új falu116(+117)(settledSun 02/03/25
( 33|-171 )Új falu113(+114)(settledSun 02/03/25
( 41|-172 )Új falu56(+57)(settledMon 03/03/25

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 94|-186 )fanta 12586(c.t. Hakari Kinji Thu 13/02/25
( 96|-185 )fanta 11685(c.t. Hoshi Kirara Thu 13/02/25
( 94|-185 )fanta 13344(c.t. Hoshi Kirara Sat 15/02/25
( 95|-185 )fanta 10748(c.t. Hakari Kinji Sat 15/02/25
( 63|-182 )fanta 03863(c.t. Hakari Kinji Tue 25/02/25

Player statistics