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ProEnemy (

Name: ProEnemy
Rank: 797 (46 fallen)
Alliance: T.W
Villages: 10
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 5,922 (+54)
Registered since: 13/01/25
Playtime: 49 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 10)
Log: (Entries: 10)
13/01/25Village (-62|85) settled.
13/01/25Village (-70|82) settled.
17/01/25Village (-63|89) settled.
20/01/25Village (-68|76) settled.
24/01/25(-73|78) conquered by tomas..t.
28/01/25(-67|76) conquered by uma (Град).
03/02/25(-70|87) conquered by Travincal (T.W).
09/02/25Village (-73|71) settled.
13/02/25Village (-69|82) settled.
15/02/25Village (-121|166) settled.
Alliance history:
TUĞR0  13/01/25 till 24/01/25  (12 Days)
ГД  25/01/25 till 02/02/25  (9 Days)
FRIDA  03/02/25 till 11/02/25  (9 Days)
T.W  since 12/02/25  (20 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
ProEnemyon Server 100 [] ( (Villages: 3)
ProEnemyon Server 3 ( (Villages: 1)
ProEnemyon Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 3)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -70|82 ) 011061(+1)(settledMon 13/01/25
( -62|85 )02760(settledMon 13/01/25
( -70|87 )07699(+3)(G.v. TravincalMon 03/02/25
( -68|76 )04626(settledMon 20/01/25
( -67|76 )06624(G.v. umaTue 28/01/25
( -73|78 )05622(G.v. tomas..tFri 24/01/25
( -63|89 )03608(settledFri 17/01/25
( -73|71 )08437(+2)(settledSun 09/02/25
( -69|82 )09325(+14)(settledThu 13/02/25
( -121|166 )10160(+34)(settledSat 15/02/25

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