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Seibaa (

Name: Seibaa
Rank: 279 (6 raised)
Alliance: VET
Villages: 13
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 11,160 (+533)
Registered since: 22/12/24
Playtime: 67 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 13)
Log: (Entries: 13)
22/12/24Village (-73|-27) settled.
28/12/24Village (-115|-45) settled.
02/01/25Village (-115|-46) settled.
07/01/25Village (-114|-45) settled.
12/01/25Village (-115|-43) settled.
13/01/25Village (-115|-44) settled.
29/01/25(-119|-22) conquered by Origin.
30/01/25(-124|-19) conquered by Origin.
30/01/25(-122|-23) conquered by Origin.
07/02/25Village (-116|-47) settled.
09/02/25(-125|-42) conquered by Natars.
14/02/25Village (-114|-43) settled.
16/02/25(-118|-49) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
Vet!!  22/12/24 till 29/12/24  (8 Days)
(No alliances)  30/12/24 till 02/01/25  (4 Days)
GARDI  03/01/25 till 12/01/25  (10 Days)
GARDA  13/01/25 till 29/01/25  (17 Days)
-SB-  30/01/25 till 03/02/25  (5 Days)
VET  since 04/02/25  (24 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
Seibaaon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Seibaaon Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 5)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -115|-44 )05 Rider1136(settledMon 13/01/25
( -115|-45 ) 01 Berserker1127(+9)(settledSat 28/12/24
( -124|-19 )08 Sakura1088(+10)(G.v. OriginThu 30/01/25
( -122|-23 )07 Nero1051(+15)(G.v. OriginThu 30/01/25
( -119|-22 )06 Altria958(G.v. OriginWed 29/01/25
( -115|-46 )02 Archer914(settledThu 02/01/25
( -115|-43 )04 Lancer887(+6)(settledSun 12/01/25
( -73|-27 )00 Saber861(settledSun 22/12/24
( -114|-45 )03 Caster859(+4)(settledTue 07/01/25
( -125|-42 )10 Alter765(+86)(G.v. NatarsSun 09/02/25
( -116|-47 )09 Mordred630(+56)(settledFri 07/02/25
( -114|-43 )11 Lily455(+169)(settledFri 14/02/25
( -118|-49 )12 MHX429(+178)(G.v. NatarsSun 16/02/25

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